7 Days

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Chapter1: Death is not the Ending

My hands were numb by the sting of the pain and the hurt of everything that there is in life. That's the thing about hurt and pain, they love to see you crumble and fall, like you can't fight it no more, like you lost. My heart beats slowly and soundly to the sound of the rushing river below. The funny thing about rivers is that they go on with life, even if you take its fish or jump in and join the fish; it doesn't care about our feelings or pain or regret.... I guess that's why all roads lead to here, on the 2nd Bridge of Life. It doesn't care about me or anything, it goes with its life.

The wind ruffles my hair and blows its chill of winter down my faded black t-shirt. The wind is another funny person, there when you don't need it in life and not when you need it. For dead of summer's heat and no breeze can kill a runner and, somehow, not me. Life is a funny thing with its failures.... Like me.

I climbed up on the melt railing and stair out the night sky and her stars, so very beautiful this time of year in Decatur; you can see every star and how they line up on her black dress and how they bring out her eyes. Sometimes she smiles, laughs, cries, but never should you see her be sad; that brings me down. But I guess that's what I do, I love her so badly that I don't to be on the ground without her. I want to feel her, hold her, love her, but, I can't because of the way I didn't felt, held, or loved her when she was here, with me on the ground. Now she's my night sky.


I don't want to hear her.

"Roy! Get down from there!" R ran out of her friend's car or her grandmother's; I don't know, I didn't look.

My eyes looked out at sky when I felt her smooth, warm hand slip under my fingers. Her hands were always so kind and gentle, I only wish someone will be with her when she's older because I won't be there. I will miss her.

"What you doing up here?" She asked carefully while looking out with me.

"I don't have the time."


"I said," me eyes darted down to her, "I don't have the time. I don't have time for this world, for the is life, for any thing."

"Ah, Roy," R grabbed my arm and rubbed it like she was trying to comfort me, but I've made up my mind. "You gotta stay here, with me, your friends, Crystal-"

"I don't care about her any more!" I jerked my arm away from her while keeping my balance. "I don't love her any more, I'm was just lonely and I was looking for something- someone to get me through it. And now I don't need her, you, anyone any more. But the sad and beautiful part about this- all of this," I locked eyes on R and the flashing blue and red lights in the back of the bridge and said to her harshly, "is that, while doing that, I fell in love with her and you. Then you and her got hurt because of me."

R's head tilled a bit at me and she saw what was in my other hand, "So you're drinking whisky in the result of guilt and pain?" She looks up at me with a confused face and asked, "Why?"

"Because I need a little feel, a little pain in my bleed stream, and I want to forget tonight and what happened years ago."

"Roy, you can't blame yourself of what happened to your parents!" She grinned a sad grin at me, but that's not why I'm not here on this railing about to jump to end it all.

"That's not it!" I yelled back at her sharply. "I'm here because of her!"


"No," my voice chocked a little when I said her name. "I'm here because of Methanna."

"Bane's kid?" R asked take me in a small whisper.

"Yes," I said quickly and angrily, "I was the one, not him. I was driving the car that day when they called me in for the mission. She was so young, you know. I was driving at top speed... The light changed so fast... So much fast." The memory came so clear to me and the sound of the cars crashing into that black jeep. I turned my head away from it like I just saw it again. "I heard her scream and...and the ice cream was on the windshield. I remember it, it was a twist in a cone with rainbow sparkles all over," I was now starting to cry, "I-I drove off and saw Bane getting out his side and I remember him ripping off her door and he was saying something, I was to far from-from the sight and-and the cop sirens were so, so loud to hear form inside of the car. I remember Domic was the blame and he beaten me so hard. Every hit and was made on me an-and his hands made me bleed and everyone-everyone watched and they know that I couldn't be helped and... Olivier tried and tried and tried but..." But my voice trailed of into sobs. I can't, no one can, forgive me for all the pain I gave to them and lost. At that moment I felt my body weight going to the water below and R's hands grabbing my both of my arms and her screaming, it sounds like Methanna's scream.

"Roy!" Now I heard a new voice screaming. "Roy!"

Crystal was there when I turned my head to the scream as tears rolled down my face. She looked scared as can be and worried written over her face and tears fell slowly. She looks like a beautiful mess with a smile and hair messy from the wind. I could smell her perfume from the wind and the frozen rain lightly fell in her hair. She looked fine and her arm was still scrapped from the fall that happened earlier. She told me she was fine, she told me that everything was fine, but I was the one who pushed her and she got a scratch and started to bleed, the worst part was that I burned her.

My eyes went to the water and my weight gave in. I squeezed R's wrest and fell off the bridge with a Crystal screaming.

I turned my body towards the screams and Crystal reaching her arms down to me. I could say something but my last thoughts wants to be Crystal's beautiful face and R's red, long hair. Crystal was crying and screaming and, R, I honesty think she was going to jump after me when a police officer stopped her. But I all I see is the sky and her wonderful starry eyes.

And all I need is her.

I'm falling.

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