Chapter 27

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I get home from school and immediately go upstairs to my room. The first part of the plan is to bait Emily. Get her to come over. So I need to send her a good enough text that way she will have to come. Here goes nothing.

"Need you to come over tonight. Feeling the need for some chick-flicks. Be here at 8." Right when I send it, Eli walks in. He's got a hoodie on now and the sweat is gone.

"Did you send it?" He asks taking a seat on my desk chair.

"Yeah. Waiting for a reply." I plop on my bed and exhale. Ten minutes. Ten minutes of peace before it's back to playing CSI. My phone beeps and I jumped. I look at the text, it's not Emily.

"Hey, don't be alarmed but your friend Olivia gave me your number. I asked for her number to get to you. Anyway, wanna get that coffee? - A. T. "

C.T? Who is that? Oh wait, it's Taylor from the crime scene. Taylor must be his last name! I quickly text back.

"Sorry, now isn't a good time but I'll get back to you.- C."

Eli breaks the silence keeping me connected to my phone, "You know, you were pretty awesome earlier." he says resting his elbows on his knees.

"When?" I hope he means when I answered all the problems on the board in algebra class today. Did them in record time thank you very much. That sure felt good.

"When you put Colin in his place. I think he's actually afraid of you now." Eli chuckles. "I realized after, that you don't need me to protect you all the time, you showed that you can take care of yourself."

"I said what needed to be said. There's nothing brave or heroic about it. Purple Devil has turned me into something that I can't hide. Something I don't like."

"What's that?"

"A coward. Running from my problems. Hiding the fact that when my dad left it didn't touch me. That I can handle anything. It's not true. I'm a coward so I guess Purple Devil has won."

Eli was about to say something when my phone beeps. I click the text and read what it says,

"Sounds good. Although I'm thinking something tragic tonight. Nothing like starting your weekend with deep, beautiful loss." Em."


"Liv come one! We have to hurry before Em gets here! She can't see us." Kenz yells on the stairs leading down to my basement at Liv who is fidgeting with her tech toys.

"I'm coming! I'm putting the final touches on my listening device that way we can know when to make our move!" Liv barks back. These two need to take a chill pill, they're getting worse than me which is not good. "Now remember, keep this hooked on to your bra strap that way we can hear. Try not to cover it." Liv hands me the device and runs down the stairs. "Also, code phrase: 'You're the best.'

I think this could work. Me and Emily will be in the living room watching the movie while Eli will be upstairs watching the security camera footage that Liv had installed a few weeks back. And Liv and Kenz will be hiding in the basement listening. Then, I will somehow take her phone, toss it up to Eli who will put the bug on her phone, give it back to me, and walk back in like nothing happened. If it all goes according to plan, she won't know a thing. But then we've got whatever she's got planned. We have to be on our 'A game' to make this happen.

Eli walks in getting a water out of the fridge. I reach down my back trying to hook the listening device on but my arm is too short. Eli keeps looking over with an eyebrow arched. "You ned some help?" He walks over and leans against the counter.

"Maybe." I try again but again, arms too short. "Yeah."

Eli smiles and I lift my shirt up so he can hook it on. The open coolness hits my bare skin instantly. His hand brushes against my spine as he takes the device and hooks it on. I shiver when he rubs my back carefully. He leans into me and wraps both arms around me. His breath heating my whole insides. "We can do this." His lips brushing against my ear. When he lets me go, my heart aches and I can still feel his arms around me. "Do me a favor." He says with a worried face. Eyes studying me.

"What's that?" I ask lowering my shirt making sure to not cover the mic too much.

"Don't die." And he walks back into the foyer and up the stairs.

Alright... I can do this. I can do this.


"So, tell me about Eli." Emily asks stretching after the movie is over. It's been 2 hours and nothing has happened. She hasn't even brought out her phone yet. It's like she knows I want it and so she refuses to.

"You know him, he's on the volleyball team, you said that he wasn't worth any girls' time." She lowers her head as if she's remorseful.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry about that. But you know what they say, hatred is poetry." She purses her lips together and her eyes are glossy. Does she actually believe that?

"Hey, so my phone is acting really crazy and I think it's time for a new one. And yours is really nice. Can I take it upstairs and show my mom? She's upstairs resting in her room." A genuine smile creeps on my mouth. Take the bait. Take the bait.

"Your mom's home? Why didn't you say something we could have totally re-scheduled."

"No it ok Em it's only for tomorrow. She's had a rough week and decided to come back for a day." Emily exhales and for a minute I thought I saw a glimpse of worry. "So.... Can I take your phone real quick to show her?" I bat my eyelashes and give a whimper.

"Sure go ahead." Emily smiles and gives me her phone.

"Thank you! You're the best!" I skip through the living room, through the foyer and chant, "You're the best", "you're the best." I run up the stairs and burst through the door into my room.

"She let you take it?" Eli asks in disbelief.

"Yup. Told you, I'm just that good." I smile proudly and hand him the phone. Liv ad Kenz tip toe in quietly laughing.

"Can't believe that she really gave you the phone. I'm impressed." Mackenzie says with her hands on her hips. Her hair is in a ponytail now and she smells like dust.

"Ok can I do this this or what?" Liv ask as she takes the phone and plugs it into the laptop. All kinds of numbers and letters. Something says 'loading' on the laptop screen. When it says 'complete' she unplugs it and hands it back to me. I run down the stairs and walk back in.

Emily is still in the same spot she was when I left. I hand the phone back over to her. "Thanks. My mom said it helped to see it in person." Emile smiles weakly.

"Sure thing. Listen, I need to tell you something."

"Ok." I say. "Shoot."

She stands up and she smirks devilishly, "Yes ma'am."

The next few moments are a blur. I hear loud bangs, almost like gunshots. Emily's gone but the shots are still going. I'm behind the couch with my hands to my ears. Things are breaking, I hear someone yelling. Then, silence.

Knife in my Heart (Purple Devil Series book #1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now