Chapter one: "The bronze and the brains."

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Wendy's (POV)


Ah, high school, the crown jewel of friends and education. Unless you're me. I bumped into James Smith, a football player, and my books went flying onto the floor.

"Hey watch it Corduroy!"

"Oh sorry James."

My name is Wendy Corduroy, and I'm what you would call a nerd. Mostly because I like sci-fi and scientology, biology, and the supernatural. My hair was always in a pony tail, and I wear unattractive black glasses. I have a green blouse and a blue skirt. I went to pick up my books, and walked to class. My first period class of the day was science, my favorite subject. I was a straight A student, and never missed any home work. I never got detonation, or went to see the principal.

I got eight science awards the past three years. And never missed a day at school. But because of all of this, I didn't have a lot of friends. I sat at lunch alone, and read my books. I didn't socialize very offten either. Because I was so geeky, I was made fun of a lot. I would get pranked on, have my books through around, and once in awhile, the cheer leaders would shove me in a locker for a day.

Yeah for me, High school is torture.

I walked in the class room and took my seat. And as usual, I was the first one there. I waited passionately for the other students to come so class could start. My science teacher Mrs. Penny's Worth came in a few minutes after I did. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Good morning Miss Corduroy."

"Good morning Mrs. Penny's Worth."

"You ready to learn about science?"

"As always!"

"Good to hear. Now before the other students come in, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

I gasped before I spoke up in a panicked matter.

"Did I miss any assignment?!"

"No no Wendy not at all. In fact you're ahead of the class as usual."

"Oh, then what is it?"

"Well, I've been thinking. I think it's great that you are a hard working student, but I think you should make some friends."

I leaned forward from my seat and I spoke up again.

"Hey I got friends, there names are literature and scientology."

"I mean real friends Wendy. You know, talk to the other kids."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the type of individual that other Teenage life forms want to engage in a socialization matter."

"You never know until you try Wendy."

I sighed before the other students came in to the sound of the bell.
For the rest of class we talked about cell development and separation. And as always, I understood everything, as the other kids had a hard time catching up. When class was over, I was walking out of the class room with Mrs. Penny's Worth's words still buzzing in my head. I kept my eyes on the ground as I walked, until I bumped into someone. I adjusted my glasses and got a clear view of who I hit.

I gasped as I tried to help the kid up.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

"Hey it's cool, it was an accident."

"Well not really, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"Heh, I believe this belongs to you."

The teen reached to give me my book, when I saw his face. I stared for awhile and honestly, I couldn't look away. He noticed and spoke up.

"You okay?"

I snapped out of my day dream and spoke up, shutting like crazy.

"Wha? Oh, yes yes I'm fine."

"Heh, good to know."

I smiled sheepishly to him, before he held out his hand to me.

"I'm Dipper Pines, I'm a football player."

I grabbed his hand and shook it as I spoke up again.

"Oh, Wendy Corduroy at your service."

"Nice to meet you. Hey you new, I don't believe I've seen you around before."

"Oh no I'm not new, I'm just not very social."

"Well still, it's cool to meet you."

"Uhh, yeah you too."


"Well, I guess I better get going."

I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. I blushed deeply before I turned around.

"Hey wait, here is my number so we can keep in touch."

"Oh, uhhh, thanks. I'll uhh, give you call then."

"Cool, oh hey one more thing."


"I got a game tonight, you wanna come?"

"I would love to but I gotta practice my violin tonight."

"You play violin?"

"Uhh yeah, I know it's kinda...."

"That's awesome!"

"Wait really?!"

"Yeah, you totally gotta play for me some time!"

"Oh, well uhh, sure."

"Nice, I'll see ya around Wendy."

"Yeah see ya."

When he left I exhaled heavily, and held my hand to my chest. I couldn't believe it! A popular boy talking to me! And even gave me his number!


I sighed happily before I headed to my next class.

Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed it so far.
More chapters soon!

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