5 Types of Annoying People on Instagram

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- Hourly Updater
We don't need picture after picture of your boring day to day life. It may be fun to look back on for you but imagine how boring it is for the people who follow you. They have to scroll through photo after photo before getting to one they actually think is worthy of writing.
What do you think Snapchat was created for?
It couldn't be this thing your doing, could it?

- Selfie King or Queen
These are the people we can say are extremely comfortable in their own skin, so much so that their feed is full of perfect bodies and perfect faces. It's perfectly normal to post a selfie every once in while. For example, a mirror selfie to show how on point you outfit is. It's lovely that you have enough confidence.
The people I'm talking about value their looks over everything else. Their pout must be perfect and their photos will be so edited it doesn't look natural.
Instagram is for spreading a positive message not making mundane lookers like me feel insecure. Cue One Direction.
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the...
I'll stop now.

- Obsessive Hashtager
I'm sure many of us have hashtagged a bit too much sometimes but these people take it to the next level. If you're one of those people who reads the comments, you're very disappointed (probably) when people just comment hashtags. There is an art which we all know. Only hashtag the relevant stuff. It's pointless to hashtag the not relevant stuff.
#pointless #you #hashtag #annoying #disappointed #Obsessive #don'tcare #me

- Extremely Cute Couples Who are Goals
One word: jealousy
When my feed is full of kissing, hugging, happy couples, I want to grab a whole box of chocolate ice cream and drown in my tears while eating. Everyone responds this way, don't judge me!
I'm fine with it if they just post one picture every so often because that is cute. That doesn't even reach the barf-o-meter at all. It is considerably lower.
When it's all their feed consists of, it reaches the very top.
Barf! Barf! Barf!
After writing this, if I get a boyfriend, remind me not to do this...

- Food Glorious Food
I probably love food more than the average person and I will search delicious things up on Google and drawl while scrolling but that is very much besides the point. Do you see me wanting to look at bowls of your mashed up cereal? How many likes do you get on that? On Google, I know this food is not attainable. On Instagram, it is a different story...
Imagine this:
You are scrolling through your feed when suddenly, you come across the most delicious piece of food you've ever encountered. It's someone who goes to your school. They have food you don't have.
Do you feel the annoyance? Do you want the food? I know I do.
P.s: Pizza is awesome.

~Rebecca ~ x
If you can think of anymore annoying people on Instagram, feel free to comment below.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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