The Comforter

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I cant belive that Johnny had the nerve to bring that up I mean it was two years ago.

*flash back*

I cant believe he is always asking those blonde bimbos how everything is going he never says anything this side of the net. That's it. That's the third time. I give up.  Good bye tennis ball. Good bye Racket. oops oh well. time to go sit down. Oh yeah the bench by the changing rooms sounds delightful. Grrr! he makes me so mad! Just calm down and go back and wait for an appology. "Ok girls lets go" I called to Megan and Chloe "Miss Renaldi can I speak to you please" he asked as I passed him. Begrudingly I stayed behind. When the others were gone I stood just inches away from him. I looked him in the eye and growled "what?" "What the hell was that?! you could've seriously hurt those girls! what were you thinking Clairissa?!" he yelled. I couldnt help my gaze go down to his lips they were so inviting. Pulling my eyes away a slowly stood on tiptoes to look him straight in the eye and walked away. Any months later when i heard he was in hospital i said on facebook "Good you can go die"  not meaning it and it turns out weeks later he did just that.

*end flash back*

Alan's POV:

I was wondering the halls because i had a free peirod and saw Clairissa crying. "Excuse me Miss Renaldi? Is everything ok?" I asked "Oh Mr Rickman I-I didn't see you there" It was clear she had been here for a while. Without realising I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. She grabbed my shirt in her hand and balled it into a fist as she continued to cry.

I don't want to say goodbye. (Alan Rickman Romance)Where stories live. Discover now