First Date

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After our moment in the hall way Alan and I agreed that we would go out to dinner tonight and get to know eachother better. Once we had ordered the firing of questions began and ceased druning our meal and desert. After we walked around the park that was across the road. "What is your dream job?" he asked me suddenly. i was shocked. i didnt know what to say. i mean i've thought about it but i've not really brought it down to one thing. "errmmm. i dont know i mean there are a lot of choices but i would really love to be an actress or director of some sort." i said at last "oh" was all he said. was that a hint of disapoinment i heard behind that? ummm i'll ask him later.

Alan's POV:

She wants to be an actress. great how am i going to compete with the actors with all of thier chizled features and well toned bodies? get a grip Alan your her teacher for god sake she can do anything she likes it's not as if your dating. god you havent even so much as held hands yet. we sat there on the bench in the park for 5 minuets in complete and utter silence. i couldnt take it any  more so i leaned over and kissed her. At first she was shocked but soon kissed me back. when we broke apart for air she just stared at me like i was a mad man but then her expression relaxed. "Alan what were you thinking? we could of got caught!" she hissed "it's ok it's after 11 no one is out after then" i replied her expression softened even more then it went into a state of shock. "it's after 11?! why didnt you tell me?" she practicallty screamed "because i was enjoying your company" i sighed. she seemed to smile at that. "come on. your staying with me tonight. your lucky my mum works until 8 am today and that i have to be at scarletts by half 7" "wait what? where am i going to sleep?" i asked "on the bottom bunk silly! i have the smallest room in the flat so i only have room for bunkbeds, my waredrobe and sterio plus some boxes." she giggled at my expression.

Clairissa's POV:

Alan drove us to my place and i climbed the stairs and waited for him to catch up. "your lucky i keep a spare change of clothing in the boot of my car" he said smiling "ew why would you do that? dont they get mouldy or something?" i whisper shouted careful not to wake the neighbours "only if their wet and these are dry. And in case of times like this" he whispered back "why are we whispering?" "nieghbours complain if theirs too much noise. or like upstairs bang down." i replied keeping my voice at a whisper. "i'm going to change in the bathroom. make yourself at home" he nodded placing his bag down next to the dvd/book case. When i returend i flicked the light above the tv on so it was slightly dark but light enough so we could see. we snuggled up on the sofa and watched Russle Howards Good News and Family Guy. By the time we went to be it was 00:30 in the morning. "Good Night Alan" i said pecking him on the lips before climbing up my ladder to the top bunk.

I don't want to say goodbye. (Alan Rickman Romance)Where stories live. Discover now