Nearing Graduation

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It's been 4 months since our first kiss and the date. we secretly meet up by an old Elm tree at the back of the school far away from prying eyes. Today we are meeting there in an hour as we both have free periods. As my class ended i quickly packed up my breif case and power walked down the hall. When i reached the Elm tree Clairissa was no where in sight. I was about to leave when i heard russtleing in the bushes behind. All of a sudden there was a big weigt on my back. "hello Alan" she whispered sending shivvers down my spine. "Clairissa don't do that! where were you any way?" i asked when she climbed down from my back "I was in the tree watching your every movement." she replied. i turned around so i could take in what she was wearing. Black trousers with high heeled shoes and her white blouse that made a V shape before the first button at the top of the canal between her breasts. "checking me out are you Mr Rickman?" she teased.

Clairissa's POV:

"well seen as i'm checking you out why dont you do the same?" he challenged so i did. he was wearing a white shirt that hugged tightly to his chest with a tweed jacket over the top and black kaki pants with his faux crocodile shoes. I didnt realise that he had backed me up to the elm tree until i felt the uneven bark press into my back. i noticed his breif case laid on the grass adn tried to reach it but it only made him press his crotch to mine. i gasped as i felt the size. "A-Alan come up the tree with me i have had some one build something for us" i breathed slowly he removed his crotch from mine and we began to climb the tree.

Alan's POV:

when we reached a part of the tree i saw that there was a little tree house. i was about to say something when Clairissa held her hand up to me indicating that i shouldn't say anything yet. when she opened the door i was amazed the was working electricity water and plumbing. Since i was gawping at everything including the furnature i felt someone grasp my sleve and pull me somewhere. geussing it was Clairissa i continued gawping. i heard her softly chuckle beside me as i felt soemthing soft under me.

Clairissa's POV:

he was gawping like an idiot so i pulled him to the bedroom and shut the door it was voice activated so i locked all doors. i geuss he didnt hear me because he was still gawping causing me to chuckle slightly. i decided i needed to get him out of the trans quick so i did the only thing i could think of.  i kissed him and he imeadiatly responded.

Alan's POV:

when we broke apart for air i just looked at her. "So what do you think?" she asked "how and when did you do this?" i asked "i didnt i just phoned up a friend who owed me a favour and told them this is where i like to come and spend my free periods and felt like it needed a make over" she replied "so they dont know about us?" i asked "yep they just thought it would be a great place for me to relax. you were'nt even mentioned" she replied. i just nodded. "so what do you think?" she asked again "I love it. but not as much as i love you" i admitted "wait you love me?" she asked shocked "yep ever since you walked into my class room that first day" i admitted "awe i love you too" she replied kissing me softly. I pushed her back against the bed deepening the kiss more. I climbed between her legs and  pressed my crotch to hers again causing her to moan against my lips. I smiled at the fact that i was the only one who made her feel like this. she rolled away from me breaking all contact only to have a stereo rise out of the bed side table it looked like she already had a disc in there and she let it play. she started dancing around the bedroom. when it turned sexual i grabbed her by the waist and pulled her so her back was against mine and began grinding against her.

Clairissa's POV:

it was so sensational when he was grinding against me. i didnt want to keep my secret from him anymore. "tell him tommorow. enjoy the moment whilst it lasts." a reasonable voice in my head said "but if you dont tell him now you might regret it" another voice said. i took the advice of the first voice and left it till  the next day. right now i'm going to enjoy myself.

I don't want to say goodbye. (Alan Rickman Romance)Where stories live. Discover now