Telling Him

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I could tell Clairissa was hiding something from me i just couldnt tell what. i really occured to me that something was wrong when she didnt text or call me last night. She ignored me all class and thats when i really began to worry. so when our joint free period came i left my breif case behind and left a note "if not back in by next period gone shops and traffics bad ~ Mr Rickman". i rushed to our tree house and knocked on the door. no answer. "Clairissa let me in. it's Alan." i called "open" came a small voice when the door opened i rushed to the bedroom where i heard the same small voice say "close and lock". I saw Clairissa sat on the bed hanched over. was she crying? why was she crying? "Clairissa? what's wrong?" i called softly from the door way. she got up and ran over to me clutching my shirt the way she did the first time i found her crying in the corridoor. slowly i picked her up and carried her to the bed.

Clairissa's POV:

I felt the bed under me again. "hmmm Alan must of picked me up and carried me." i thought. thats when i got a waft of his colone and cried heavier. "shhh everything's going to be alright just tell me whats wrong" he cooed "A-Alan you know graduation is monday right?" i managed to get out "mmm" was all he said "well after graduation I have to go to America" i said sadly "what as in a holiday? that's great!" he replied pulling me from his chest so that he could get a better look at me. I shook my head "no. as in to live. Alan i got offered an acting job at Disney. with free acomedation until a get recognised. the apartment with be in California so i dont have to be too close to the studios and Scarlett is moving with me because she got accepted too." his face was pure shock before it broke into a smile "that's great!" i could tell it was forced "no it's ok for you to be upset" i said walking away "no it really is great. i know that i will miss you but i will work my butt off really hard to pay for a ticket to come and see you." he smiled this time i could tell it was genuin.

I don't want to say goodbye. (Alan Rickman Romance)Where stories live. Discover now