After Graduation

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After graduation I drove home and packed my final bag. sitting on the bottom bunk i relished in the memories of when i first moved in and everything since then. Slowly I stood up careful not to bang my head suddenly there was a buzz a the phone for the door. I rushed out and picked it up. "hello?" i said "Chrissy it's me! i'm outside waiting for you!" Scarlett called from the other end "I'll be right their Scar" Chrissy is the nickname she's used for me ever since i moved here 5 years ago. i grabbed my bags and headed out the front. "I really thought he was going to come and say good bye" i thought to myself. i shook my head and saw Scarlett holding the door open "thanks" i smiled weakly "he'll turn up i promise" she said "who?" i replied "Mr Rickman. Dont deny it. i've seen the way you both look at each other." she stated "there's no getting pass you is Scar?" i replied "Nope" she replied poppin the 'p' i chuckled at that god i love this kid she's like my younger twin sister she always knows when somethings up. When we reached the air port we had an hour to wait for our plane.

Alan's POV:

Shit! she leaves in an hour!. i rushed to my car not caring what i looked like. i drove to the air port just keeping with in the national speed limit. luckily i knew some back roads which had no speed camaras. i reached the front desk of the airport. "which waiting area is it for america?" i asked out of breath "12" the air hostes replied "thank you" i said before running to waiting area 12. "Clairissa!" I called as i saw her by the vending machien "Alan? i didnt think you were going to show up?" she replied shocked "does she know?" i breathed pointing to Scarlett "yeah she knows. she's known for a while" Clairissa replied "good." before she could say anything i kissed her. "Chrissy come on we're going to miss our flight" i heard scarlett say. "What do i say?" Clairissa asked "Don't say good bye say it like your going to come back" i replied "thats the only way i'd accept" "well then see ya round Mr Rickman" she said hugging me for one last time before she boarded the plane. "Clairissa wait!" i heard myself call as i followed her "Alan im leaving but i'll be back in 6 months ready for christmas" she said tears brimming her eyes. "Ok then so how about we get married when you do?" i asked "YES!" she screamed before i lost her. but not for good.

I don't want to say goodbye. (Alan Rickman Romance)Where stories live. Discover now