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I walk into school with Bill and Maggie. There are tons of annoying freshman huddling in one spot. The Juniors and sophomores are pretty much wherever. The druggies are in the corner looking Stone, as always. And of course, the seniors being the same overpowering rat. No one is dressed how they normally would. It is some weird first day of school thing. I never understood it.

" Maggie?" Louise asks running up to Maggie

Louise is a cheerleader with Maggie. I never liked Louise, but I have to deal with it because Maggie and her are friends

"Heyyyyy" Maggie says hugging her

" Hello Louise. Cheery as always I see" I say annoyed

" Haha yeah" she replies

Kill me. Shoot me right in the forehead.

"Well, I am going now bye" Louise says running off.

"Bye we won't miss you" I say

" You know you can try acting nice, (y/n)" Maggie says

" Where's the fun in that?" I say with the giggle

Phil laughs a little.


That's the bell. I head to my first class, which is English. I am in there with Phil. I walk in the room. Jesus Christ. The person I hate the most in in this class. Alfie Deyes.

"Hey (y/n). Gross as ever I see" Alfie says

"Suck my dick" I remark rolling my eyes

"Gladly" He replies getting on his knees. I push his head away.


That is the second bell.

"Alright guys. Sit in any seat" The techer says

I sit in a seat next to Phil in the back. Alfie sits on the other side of me. I look at him and he flips me off. I roll my eyes.

"Okay I am Mr.Howell. Let's do attendance" Mr. Howell says

Mr. Howell has warm, doughy, brown eyes, brown emo hair, tanned skin, and is very tall.

He goes down the list, until he gets to me

"(y/n)?" Mr. Howell asks

"I am here" I say raising my hand

Our eyes interlock. Mr. Howell's eyes look at me deeply with a glint. He has a very apparent bulge. He goes behind his desk so no one will see it. Mr. Howell continues going down the list

In the middle of class, Mr.Howell comes up to my desk

"Hello" he says

"Can I help you with something?" I ask looking up after him

"Just wondering if you are okay"

"I am perfectly fine" I say with a smile

Mr. Howell sits on my desk and says, "I don't believe that in the slightest" 

".....Okay" I reply

"I would like to talk to you after class" Mr.Howell says

"On the first day of school"

"It is either that or you talk now"

"I am just not a happy person, there is nothing wrong" I say

"Is there any thing I can do to help that?" 

"Nope." I say

"Alright. Get back to work (y/n)"

I giggle a little as he hops off of my desk. I can tell he is different from other teachers. He wears skinny jeans for crying out loud!

Mr. Howell // Dan Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now