The Night After

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A/N: and here, we have the story that concludes the story, "Hunt for the Golden Egg" (pls dont kill me) Yeah... I don't know why people were surprised at the way Bill reacted last chapter. I left a small detail on the first part to let readers know that there was something going on with Bill (idk maybe it's either everyone missed it or i just suck; probably the latter). Yeah.. and about "Trust No One".. Oh dear god, I'm so sorry I didn't get around to publishing it. You guys are probably disappointed in me. Anyway, please don't kill me after you read this and just try to enjoy the story. Maybe you could vote if you liked it and share me your thoughts!

Description: After the egg hunt, Bill left her to go home by himself. Worried, Mabel tried to talk to him and finally finds out about his depression and why he's the way he is.

Gravity Falls (c) Disney and Alex Hirsch


"Bill, come out!"


"Oh, please, don't make me break down your door!"

The man continued to lean against the door, despite knowing that his girlfriend is outside with her brother who both wanted him to come out. Well, he was not going to come out anytime soon. Why should he? Bill had covered both of his hears, in hopes that he'll stop hearing the twins from the outside. Unfortunately, they were pretty loud and they were still knocking very loudly on the door.

"Come on, man! Let Mabel talk to you!" Dipper's voice was then heard. Even then, Bill still refused to let them in.

"Why?!" Bill immediately shot back, still not letting the door to open.

"Bill, I just need to talk to you!" The woman replied, "I know something's wrong and I'm not leaving this place until you talk to me!"

The blond still did not want to let go of the door and let them see his pathetic face. At the same time, he didn't want to just leave Mabel outside. Thoughts ran through his head. What other choice did he have? None, really.

But he knew what his final choice was. Bill still wasn't going to let them in and see him in this hopeless state. They can't ever see him like this. They just can't. Especially Mabel.

The man was able to keep the door shut until when Dipper had finally decided to just kick it open. To all of their surprise, the brunet was able to open the door with just the right amount of strength.

"Wha-" Bill fell on the floor as the door he leaned against was suddenly opened. The man slowly stood on his own feet and turned to see the twins in front of him.

"Bill!" Mabel called as she ran towards the man, "What is all this mess?! Were you crying?!"

"..N-no," the blond lied, but the twins knew better than that. There was definitely something going on.

Mabel turned to her brother, softly telling him that they needed time alone. Dipper nodded and left the place, closing the door he had previously kicked open. After the other twin was gone, the brunette turned back to Bill, whose eyes were still wet with tears.

Mabel noticed his messy appearance, and because of this, she couldn't help but hug him. Bill was caught in surprise at this sudden gesture, but didn't say a thing about it. The man could feel the woman's grip around him slightly tightening.

"Bill.." Mabel softly began as she still held onto the man, "Talk to me, what's wrong..?"

Bill placed a hand on her head as he replied, "I-I'm sorry, Mabel... I-It's hard to explain..."

The brunette tried to look at him in the eye, but he looked away before she could. Mabel pulled away from him and let out a deep sigh.

"Do you want to sit down for now?" The woman suggested. Bill nodded in response and walked to a couch with her. Then, the couple let themselves collapse on the seat.

"I told you not to come in here..." Bill began, still not looking into Mabel's direction.

Mabel turned to the man only to see him staring off somewhere into space. Turning into another direction as well, she spoke, "W-well... I-I don't like seeing you like this..."

"I'm sorry, Mabel.." he replied as he tried to force in tears, "Y-you know what's been h-happening lately, right?!"

Mabel jumped in surprise as the man's voice grew louder by the end of his sentence. He was now crying. Tears quickly made their way from his blue eyes down to his cheeks.

"M-my parents died last month! A-all these time, I-I had to live without seeing them! I got fired from my only job last week all because I was goddamn sick and couldn't do anything about it!" He was now standing up, pacing back and forth in the place as he spoke loudly while tears continued to fall, "And why is everyone so nice to someone like me?! Y-your brother... I... he couldn't stand me, I've always known that! A-and I've made fun of him.. y-yet, he..."

He paused and froze in his place, "H-he.."

The brunette stood up from her seat and looked at the man, waiting for him to continue.

"H-he's letting me keep that stupid egg, as if I deserved it! Even after all that, he..

"A-and you! I.. I-I don't even know how you can still stand me when y-you've finally seen me like this!" The man then collapsed on his knees, "W-why?! I-I don't understand!"

Mabel immediately ran to the man, then pulled him into another hug, "B-bill! H-how long have you been like this..?" She said as she sobbed along with him, "W-why didn't you talk to me earlier..? Y-you've got me worried all these time because I couldn't figure out what was wrong... I-I set up a game for us to play to hopefully m-make you feel better... but.."

Before Mabel could say more, Bill softly said, "D-don't blame yourself, Mabel... i-it's not your fault.."

Mabel pulled away from the hug, but still kept her hands on the sides of his head. She lifted them up so she could see him clearly.

His once bright blue eyes was now just an empty void, always staring off into space. His cheeks that used to feel warm now felt so cold and looked paler than a ghost. She continued to look at him, but couldn't stand it any longer. She didn't want him to be this way. It tore her heart apart into smaller pieces every time she would see him like this. The thought of not being able to help him all these time left her with a very painful feeling in her chest. It made her really feel bad. Guilty, even.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Bill pulled Mabel's hands away from his face and sat up on the floor. He watched as the brunette fished inside her purse.

"H-here, t-take this.." the woman said as she held out the golden egg to the blond, "P-please... I-I just wish for you to be happy..."

The man hesitated at first, but he eventually took the egg. The lucky egg that would somehow bring him luck and happiness for the rest of his life.

"I-I want you to keep this," she told him once more.

The blond held onto the object tightly and then turned his attention to Mabel, "Y-you can go now.. I'm feeling better..."

The woman bit her bottom lip as she didn't seem convinced, "A-are you sure..?"

"Y-yes.." he lied.

The brunette wiped the tears away from her face and looked at the man one more time. She gave him a small hug then got up to exit the place, leaving Bill on his own again.

The man stood up after his girlfriend left the place. He walked into his room. Papers and other unnecessary things were cluttered on the floor. He simply ignored the mess and walked to a small drawer. He pulled one of the drawers open and placed the egg in, and at the same time, he grabbed a piece of paper that was already filled with his own handwriting. He opened the drawer below it and pulled out a gun.

Bill placed down the suicide note on his desk as he placed the gun on his head, preparing to pull the trigger.


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