Happier With Someone Else - Part 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry this took much longer for me to finish. But I kind of underestimated the work that I would get from school. But well, today was the last day of school for me, so I actually had the time to finish it! Also, I apologize if this seems rushed, I didn't want you guys waiting. But yeah.. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the final part of this story and comments would be greatly appreciated. The next fic would be better, I swear. It's going to be based off of this au I made some time ago. But yeah.. Anyway, onto the story!

Gravity Falls (c) Disney and Alex Hirsch


"Fuck him, fuck me, fuck everything. Ugh!" Mabel angrily muttered to herself as she buried her head in a pillow. Tears began streaming down her face as she continued to mutter more words to herself. She didn't care about her birthday anymore. No, screw that. Why would she want a party without him?

The woman thought for awhile after she had calmed down a bit. This was ridiculous. Why was she crying over a guy like Bill? Wasn't she already over him by now? What even happened to her? More of these thoughts filled her mind, and it was making her head ache. "What is even all of this..?" She asked to herself.

Clearly, nothing made sense to her at the moment. Anything was too complicated for her to think about at this point. These thoughts only made her headache worse, and with that, she took a deep breath and cleared her mind. The woman slowly lied back down on her bed, letting her eyelids drop slowly. Mabel then found herself slowly falling into sleep.


Mabel was awoken by a soft knock at the door. After asking who was outside, Mabel heard Pacifica's voice answer.

"You can come in," the brunette told her friend.

Upon hearing this, Pacifica opened the door and quietly entered the room. The blonde slowly closed the door behind her then walked towards where her friend was. Mabel was sitting, legs crossed, alone in the middle of her bed with a pillow on her lap and a stuffed bear by her side. The blanket was on the ground, but other than that, everything else in the room seemed to be all placed away neatly. Pacifica picked up the blanket on the floor and folded them neatly, placing them back on the bed. Then, she jumped on the bed, sitting next to the brunette.

"Your brother called earlier. He wants to know what was wrong," the blonde began.

The woman gave out a stressful sigh as she replied, "Tell him I'm fine. We can have the party later."

"You sure you okay, sis?" Pacifica asked, raising an eyebrow, "You were screaming at your phone earlier then you just ran off to your room.. Oh, and speaking of which!"

The other woman then reached for her pocket. Curiously, Mabel turned to her to see what she had. From Pacifica's pocket, she took out Mabel's phone with a cracked screen caused by her throwing it at the ground earlier. The blonde handed the phone to the brunette, who took it from her slowly without saying a word.

A moment of awkward silence filled the whole room until a knock was heard from the door. Both of the women turned their attention to the door.

"Come in!" Mabel answered.

The door slowly opened, revealing Dipper with a present in hand.

"Hey, Mabel," he began, "I called up Paz earlier to see how the party was going, but turns out you don't seem to be in the mood for it. Anyway, I got you a present."

Dipper then handed the present to Mabel. The brunette exchanged glaces with her brother then proceeded to open the gift. Inside was a pair of pink flowers earrings along with a matching necklace. Mabel couldn't help but smile.

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