Denial Train - ii. After the Fall

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Marvel does.


The Avengers hasn't assembled again. And it definitely is a good thing. Because it means, that there are still no such big threat to the world and to the humanity that has dared to showed up, so far. (Aside from the time when Tony defeated the Mandarin and when Malekith destroyed Greenwhich, England. But other than that, the whole world's good. Everyone's good.)

So there are still no reunions.

Aside from the time when Clint showed up in S.H.I.E.L.D. Triskelion. It was the first time Clint and Steve saw each other since the Battle of New York that happened nine months ago. Clint's vacation was supposed to be for three months only, but Fury told him to make it six. Told him to wind up especially that he was compromised and was put under Loki's control. And it was totally fine with Clint, of course. Who wouldn't want a long vacation after fighting a huge alien army.

After Clint's vacation, he returned to New York and trained new S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits there. After three months of training, he then went to Trisklelion in Washington, DC to be briefed about a mission he'll be doing somewhere in Europe that will take months.

"You two are awfully damn close," he'd commented when he first saw them. They were sparring and it had ended with Natasha on the top, straddling Steve's torso. She got off of Steve and smoothen her clothes. She then helped Steve stand up. "I was busting my butt back there at New York to train the newbies while the two of you are just lying around here, fucking each other's brains out. What a shame on you, Nat." By the time he'd finished his complaints, Natasha has gotten off the ring and is now beside him.

"I missed you, too, Clint." She then hugged him. Steve was still inside the ring, and couldn't help but feel awkward. Natasha let go of Clint and saw Steve heading to them.

"Barton," he greeted Clint and extended his arm. Clint ignored his hand and slapped it away and went to give Steve a manly hug. "Awww.......I missed you, Captain." Natasha gagged. "I'm gonna leave the two of you alone. Don't want my mind to be corrupted by images I would never want to remember."

She started walking towards the exit, and Clint finally let go of the Captain, looking offensed as ever. "Excuse me? I'm not the one who's straddling someone else's torso here!" Clint shot back at her but she's already gone.

Clint then leaned towards Steve's ear. "I'm glad she's finally letting her walls down." And gave him a genuine smile.

Steve was confused.

Natasha had asked Fury if she could go with Clint in the mission but Fury replied with, "You're no longer his partner, Romanoff. Captain Rogers now is."

"I know that, but that doesn't mean that I couldn't go with him anymore. I'm doing nothing here, I'm bored to death."

"I'm sure the Captain can do something about that," Fury replied with a smirk.

"What? Excuse me?" Natasha asked defiantly.

"I have a mission for the both of you." Natasha let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and for what reason. "What? What did you think it would be, Romanoff?"

"Nothing, Sir."

And that mission is the Lemurian Star.


He's there.

Lying on the riverbank. Face's bruised. Stomach's been shot. He's all beaten up.

And she quickly run to his side. She put her fingers in his neck and look for a pulse. She felt it. It was faint but still there. And that was enough for Natasha. She then started to apply pressure in his wounds.

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