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"Damn it!" Seokmin yelled as he kicked the bark of the trees.

"We should call for help" Aeri tried to remain calm.

"But all our stuffs were in that jeep, for fuck sake!" He threw a stick to let out his uncontrollable anger towards Aeri. It hit on her left arm and got a bleeding cut.

"Oppa!" She cried.

Seokmin swiftly turned around to see her little sister being hurt by himself. He rushed to her and started to panic. There wasn't any supply of first aid, they barely had anything.

"Hold on," he added pressure to the cut so it won't bleed too much.

Suddenly, he opened one of his shoes and a sock. He tied the sock around Aeri's wound into a knot.

"That'll do. Don't worry, those socks are brand new and clean."

"Aren't you going to be cold?"

"I'll be fine," he assured. Her face was turned down. Almost everything was bothering her mind. And Seokmin knew that. He suddenly hugged her tightly into his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he apologised.

"No, it's alright. I know it's just not you" she didn't want to let go. She really missed her caring and cheerful brother who would always protect and support her no matter what.

"I promise to handle it. Here. We haven't ate since morning," he then handed a bar of chocolate from his pockets to Aeri.

They both nibble the piece of chocolate bar until half. It was getting nightfall and they tried to find a spot to lay down. There was a large tree and the ground wasn't really wet and so they rested themselves at that very area.

Seokmin turned his position facing Aeri's back. He noticed she was shivering as hell. Her feet kept rubbing against each other. Slowly, he came closer to her and placed an arm around her waist. Her body suddenly jerked of being shocked aftera sudden touch.

"Warm yet?"

She turned around, facing him.

"A little bit," she remarked.

Soon, Seokmin placed a leg over her hips.

"How about now?"

"I'm not a teddy bear. But thanks," she smiled in relief. She burried her face onto his chest. It was warm. Cosy. And he smelled good.

"Goodnight, baby sister," he slowly whispered.

"Goodnight, oppa"

They both soon fell asleep under the sky. It was peaceful, with the sound of the wind and the ocean that was quite near to the area but still unseen.

That morning, Aeri woke up as the sun was already rising. She felt empty. Soon, she realised Seokmin wasn't anywhere to be seen.


She hasten through the woods out to a stranded beach. Her feet touched the sand that made her to sink a little. Still, she haven't gave up to find her missing brother.

"Seokmin oppa!" She yelled above her lungs. There wasn't even an echo but only the sound of the roaring sea.

Not long enough, there was a figure standing at almost the end. She raced to him hoping it was Seokmin.

"Oppa.." The only thing she had been saying ever since she woke up.

He slowly turned around. Aeri looked at him wih pitiful eyes asking inside why did he left but he was too. Sorrow was all over his face. He looked down.

"I thought that I could protect you ever since mum and dad were gone. But I guess I failed."

"What are you talking about?" She became puzzeled.

"Aeri, this isn't working. This, right now, you're exposing yourself to danger. Your danger is here, right here in front of you," he pointed out himself.

"No, oppa. No. You will heal. You will make it and I believe in you," she pleaded with her voice trembling.

"What if I ever kill you? I'm unpredictable Aeri! I'm going to be a murdering psychopath day by day."

He kneeled down and hold both of Aeri's shoulder while looking her deeply into the eyes.

"Leave me."

"NEVER!" She started sobbing and whined.

"Aeri look at me! Just look at me okay? It's for the best. Trust me, you will make it. Go straight to north,"

"What about you?" Aeri's eyes were full in tears. She didn't want to let him go. He was the only precious thing she ever had. Not those gold or treasures.  He was her gold and treasure.

"I'm going to be alright. But what's important now is you. Even if we're separated at least I can't harm you,"

They hugged tightly as if there wasn't a tomorrow. Seokmin softly kissed her forehead not wanting to let go but he had too. Seokmin gave her his coat. Their last tear was wiped by each of them and started taking their own path.

"Oppa!" Aeri suddenly turned back. Seokmin did too.

"Promise you will come back?"

"I will," he nodded once and gave her his last ever smile that was always her favourite.

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