There Was Once...

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I look at her and terror fill me...she took her and now she won't stop trying to stab me...slashing...stabbing...throwing...attacking! I then look at her she sees my determination to live and looks at me and says " Sans would've hurt me or killed me by now! So that either means you are trying to give me mercy like everyone else...or...your thinking I took over that little girl's body and don't want to hurt her because you love her..." she then laughs this horrible giggle it echoes throughout the room and repeats it's a haunting sound...a flower appears next to her and then grabs her leg and drags her into the air and lets go once they see her face...Flowey...why would he...I ignore the thought and look at Chara I know it's Chara I can feel it she has the same presence and gives off the same feeling you'd get once near her...I then look at her and almost yelling I say "Don't you know how it is to love someone! And if you do...please...tell me were she is...I can't live with knowing that she..." my voice trailed off I couldn't bear the thought of her and the possibility that she might let it be a lie...let this be a dream...please...please she then looks at me with a caring face and says something you'd never expect someone who tried to kill you say "I know exactly how it feels...I had someone like that before...someone who I loved..." she faltered and started balling...she had tried to kill me but even the worst people deserve mercy.

~Frisk POV~
I look at the Sans in front of me and say something with the last drop of strength I had left still within me..."h-have y-you e-ever l-l-loved s-s-someone?-?" I look at him and simile a kind smile and countinue my sentence "b-b-becase i-i-if y-y-you h-h-have t-t-then..please...l-l-let m-m-me l-l-live and g-g-go b-b-back to m-m-my t-t-timeline..." I then collapse too tried to get up...the Sans then picks me up and takes me somewhere where the echo flowers and water glow a luminescent blue that give a calming glow of comfort...he puts me in a patch of echo flowers that is surrounded by the glowing water I feel my strength returning and smile at the Sans looking at me...and say "so does that mean you have...?..." he smiles and nodds I wonder who it was....

((Hi guys stay awesome!!!!))

((Hi guys stay awesome!!!!))

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