A Tale Of Two Lovers Part 1...

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((LISTEN TO THE SONG WHEN READNG!! okay just to make this clear when Chara speaks her words will be like this and when Geno Sans talks his words will be like this and when the talk in unison its this and when Sans speaks his words will be like this and when Frisk speaks her words will be like this, and if words are like this then it means well...I'll let you figure that out your self. okay? Okay! lets get started!))

~Frisk POV~

I finally gather my courage or rather my bravery and say "I know you probably don't want to talk about it but...i want to know...who was the person that you loved? I said that if you knew what is was like to love someone you would let me live...and you did...so I guess I'm asking you...who was that someone?" he turned around and sighed he looked at me with a sad expression on his face...I feel if I might have a bad time for saying that..."look...kid...I did love someone...and I know they loved me back but...well to really explain it...I'll have to tell you the whole story...and well you probably don't-" he stops as I sit down having my full attention on him so badly I did want to hear this story...I want to know everything about it...I was sitting there in the criss cross sitting position hand in fists under my face for support and elbows resting on my calves like pillars on the stone bellow. Listening to every word he says absorbing every word like a sponge to water...he sighs once more and says "I can see you're very determined...like...nevermind anyway...were to start...I'll just start when we both first met..."

~Sans POV~

I see her sobbing there... I put my hand on her shoulder and comforted her like I would Frisk...after all she was probably a Frisk from another timeline or something...I then say "it's okay..it's okay...so..um..kiddo...why are you sobbing? Come on...tell..me...what's wrong?" she stops and looks at me...then she smiles and says" I...I just could relate...to loving someone as intently as you love that little girl I shouldn't even call her that I know her name's Frisk...but I could relate I loved someone like that if even I loved them even more than you could even know...we were like two peas in a pod we cared for one another we wereas close as two people could ever be...we weren't family...we were...best friends...infact I think we were the bestest of friends...we knew what the other would say or think even before the other did...we knew each other that well...guess now I'll have to tell you the whole story now...won't I?" I nod she sighs then she smiles then in an instant where her once pitch black eyes had been then two big beautiful brownish reddish eyes replaced them she looked Beautiful...but I love Frisk more and I don't even know this girl...but I do know who does...Geno

~Frisk POV~

Geno Sans then countines the story" she fell down...a long time ago...we had this emidiate connection...I liked her I had a crush on her from the very begining...she was adorable with her reddish browninsh eyes that would just sparkle everytime she was happy and with her light green shirt with the one big yellow stripe that just shimmered...she wasn't the kind of adorable you would call a puppy but the kind of adorable that made your heart flutter everytime you saw them...she was a walking masterpiece...she was perfection...she was kind to everyone she treated everyone equally and she was focused and smart but she knew when to loosen up and have some fun...make bad puns...stuff like that...she was again perfect...I don't know why she ever liked me...she deserved better then me... but somehow she loved me I seriously don't know what she saw in me...but when we confessed that we both liked each other..she said..."

~Sans POV~

"' ...I liked you for a long time...and I understand if you don't like me back...but...when you're around my heart flutters constantly...you make me laugh when I don't have the best time during my saddest days you can make me laugh...smile...and giggle uncontrollably...when I first met you..you were so kind to me..you helped my up and that woopie cushion in the hand trick..made me smile and laugh...thanks to you it was easy to care about everyone else in the underground since you made me understand that I had nothing to be afraid of...monsters were just like people we both like jokes, we both laugh...care about one another...have siblings or children to care about...we both feel...'he then holds my hands and looks at me and says...

~Frisk POV~

"'I thought you would never like me because you were so perfect and that made me understand that I never had a chance...so I tried shutting down my feelings...but I couldn't...it was impossible...I loved way you too much...my love for you was impossible sticky web that I couldn't get out of...now I understand that you liked me too and I realise that...the fate knew this would happen...' Then I remember something her mother said her mother said that if I loved her...I would let her go...after all...she was engaged to Asriel...I knew she didn't want to marry him...but is she didn't the monster and humans would go to war...it only meant that the humans would seal the monsters back to the UNDERGROUND...Chara didn't want that for anyone...I knew that...because I knew Chara...what I didn't know was what she was going to do about it..."

((what is she going to do about it?...))

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