Jason the Hermit

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(Jason's POV)

Knock, knock!

"Hey, Jason?"

I sit alone in my cabin, doors and windows closed. I haven't come out since......


I haven't come out since Leo died.

It's been two months.

Two very long months.

"What?" I shout back, exasperation evident in my voice.

Time after time, camper after camper has knocked at my door. Each tried to coax me out, even Piper with her charmspeak.

I haven't cracked. I won't come out.

Leo's gone.


And it's all my fault.

I had one job; just one! All that I had to do was get Piper and Leo out of the air and back down to the ground safely.

I failed.

Leo and his stupid, stubborn, stupid plan of sacrifice. Now he's gone.

He saved the entire world.

But now he's dead.

"Jason, open the door." I recognize the voice as Nico.

I don't answer.

"Jason! You can't just live in there like a Hermit! It isn't good for your health or your sanity!"

I chuckle humorlessly. "Health? Sanity? Leo's dead."

I hear muttering and cursing from outside the door, then Will's firm voice.

"Jason, this is really bad for your health. Nico is trying to help you."


More muttering.

Slow footsteps away.

Sigh. Why do I push everyone away?

Ah, right. Leo. He died to save everyone. If I have no one, then no one will die saving me.

Problem solved.

I sit in silence for hours, laying on top of my bed, getting up and dressed into a black shirt and shorts, laying back on top of my bed. Crying a little, then punching a hurling a few pillows across the room.

Man, I am not coping well.

"Jason? Are you still in there?" I hear a soft, comforting voice speak from behind the door. Piper.

I sigh. "Yeah," I say quietly.

"May I come in?"

"No charmspeak."

She sighs. "I'm not using any charmspeak. I promise, no more."

"....come in." I haven't seen anyone in two months, let alone daylight.

Piper opens the door slowly, letting in a ray of blinding light. I cover my eyes, and she quickly shuts the door behind her.

She crosses over to my bedside table, and turns on the lamp. It provides us with light, but it isn't too bright.

She sits down on the bed, turning to face me.

That's when I notice the way she looks.

Her choppy hair is slightly disheveled. Her lip quivers, and her shattered kaleidoscope eyes are red and puffy.

She misses him as much as I do.

"P-Piper.... I..." I choke out, voice cracking. A few tears slip down my face.

She takes a deep, shaky breath. "W-when you're grieving you shouldn't b-be alone," she says, and I realize that she is right.

I choke on my tears, and Piper, pulls me into a hug, shaking. "I miss him," she whispers with a sob.

To be completely honest with you, being with Piper after all this time was refreshing. It was good. We cried together, but I think that it helped convince me to open the door every once and awhile.

We layer there in each other's arms for the rest of the day, finally snuggling up at the end and watching a movie.

Soon, her breathing slows and she falls asleep in my arms. After awhile, I click off the TV and fall asleep with her.

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