Where's Leo?

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(Nico's POV)

When Leo died, I felt it. I knew that he was dead.

But why did it feel so weird?

I've been to the Underworld looking for him over and over- 43 times.


It feels weird. When I look for him, I get that weird feeling that I had when he died.

I don't understand what the problem is...

What is this feeling?


I'm going again today. Will is probably going to yell at me because I'm using 'too much energy all the time'. But I need to find Leo.

I've looked everywhere. Heck, I've even looked in the deepest, darkest parts of the Underworld- though I know he won't be there.

I step out of my cabin, the harsh sun hitting me in the face. As I walk down the path, I pass the Zeus cabin.

I know that Jason is in there.

Ever since the war, Jason, Hazel, and Frank have stayed in Camp Halfblood with us. We all need each other after the war- especially because of everyone we've lost.

Reyna agreed to cover their positions for them until they return.

I knock on Jason's door, saying, "Hey, Jason?"


"Jason, open the door."

Will walks up, hearing my 'conversation' with Jason. He stops and stands next to me silently.

Jason hasn't answered me, so I speak again. "Jason! You can't just live in there like a Hermit! It isn't good for your health or your sanity!"

He chuckles humorlessly. "Health? Sanity? Leo's dead."

I stomp my foot, muttering a bunch of curse words under my breath. He needs to come out sometime!

Will gives me a look before calling into the cabin. "Jason, this is really bad for your health. Nico is trying to help you."


I start angrily muttering again, and Will takes my shoulder and walks me away.

"He clearly needs some time," Will says once we've reached a good distance away from the cabins.

"He can't just stay in there! We all miss Leo. We need to be together, Will! What else can we do?" I say, my volume getting dangerously high.

He sighs. "Nico, what are we supposed to do? Break in and drag him out? No!"

"I have somewhere to be," I say, starting off towards the side of the pavilion. Will runs after me.

"Nico, you can't keep going to the Underworld as often as you do! You're draining yourself, and before you know it you're going to encounter the same problem that you came across with the Athena Parthenos!"

I spin to face him. "Will, I have no choice. I've gotta find him, and this is the only way. I'll be okay; watch things while I'm gone?"

"Nico, I can't let you do this. You're going to get yourself hurt."

"I'm sorry, Will. I have to go," I say, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before disappearing into the shadows.

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