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(Piper's POV)

I feel numb, to be honest.

I've cried out every last tear.

I don't know what to do with myself.

Every song on the radio reminds me of the lipsync battles that we had, the dance offs that we did.

I can't believe that he's gone.

I get dressed, and head over to Jason's cabin. I need to make sure that he is actually coming out today- he needs to.

I am walking from my cabin to his when the ground shakes, and I hear a big thud. It came from the docks.

In a flash, I pull out and unsheathe Katoptris. Something big must have fallen to have made that hard of an impact.

My immediate thought is giant, or cyclops. I slowly creep through the woods, heading for the lake. I freeze in my tracks when I hear voices.

Two voices.

"You did that on purpose! I didn't leave Ogygia and give up my immortality to be immediately killed by your reckless driving, Valdez."

Who is this person?

"Aw, don't be like that! Festus is just playing around. Besides..... WE'RE HOME! I need to go find my friends!"

Oh my gods.
It can't be.
That voice...... Leo?

I peek through the trees, and I can't believe my eyes.

Festus is laying on the ground, crouching down to let two people climb off his back. One is a girl wearing white clothes, with chestnut colored hair that is pulled into a complex braid.

And standing next to her is the one and only Leo Valdez.

How can this be?

I can feel the tears in the back of my eyes as I dart out of the trees and pounce on him, tackling him to the ground.

"LEO VALDEZ, YOU IDIOT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" I say, slapping him hard before crushing him in a hug. Tears slip down my cheeks.

He hugs me back tightly, eyes glistening. "Sorry! I don't know how, but I'm alive. I MISSED YOU!"

I am full-out bawling onto his shoulder, refuse to let him up or let go. He's here. He's alive. He's back. He's home.

He's alive.

He's alive.

Just wait until the others hear.

I climb off of him, wiping my eyes. The girl in white stands off to the side, and Leo waves her over.

"Piper, this is Calypso. Calypso, Piper," he says, introducing us.

"So this is the Calypso you kept talking about!" I say, and he laughs.

"Yep! Twenty points for the McShizzle!" He says, wiggling his eyebrows and taking her hand.

I missed him so much.

His humor, his smile, his attitude, his presence. I missed it all.


I thank the gods and hug him again.

"You need to come see the others," I say, grabbing his wrist and tugging him after me. He runs next to me, eager to reunite with them all.

We are running through the woods when I see Jason on a walk alone on the path ahead.

"JASON!" I shout, waving my arms wildly.

"Woah, calm down. What do you- LEO?!" He shouts, jaw dropping as he rushes up to us. I've never seen him run so fast.

He embraces Leo in a bone crushing bear hug, eyes glistening and happy. The happiest I've seen them since before Leo died.

Leo makes no move to escape from Jason's grip- not that he would be able to, anyway.

"H-how.... But.. You were dead! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Leo laughs. "That's what Piper said! I did die... But somehow I came back! I found Calypso on Ogygia," he says, gesturing to her. "And now I'm here! I've missed you guys so much!"

Jason lets him go, and introduced himself to Calypso.

We continue to head to camp, ending up behind the Hades cabin. Frank and Hazel are stepping outside, and Nico is nowhere to be seen.

"HEY, FRAZEL!" Leo shouts.

They whip around at the speed of light in surprise.

"Leo?" Frank says in awe, and Hazel runs up and to us and jumps on him.

"Oh my gods, Leo, I thought you were dead! How did you come back?"

"I DON'T KNOW! I guess the gates of hell just couldn't hold the supreme awesomeness of Leo McShizzle Valdez."

"You idiot....... I missed you," Frank says, clapping him on the back.

"Where's Nico?"

Hazel unlatches herself from Leo. "Nico has been traveling to the Underworld to look for you almost everyday! Will is probably restraining him somewhere."

"Then let's go find the others!"

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