.Lost Boy.

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Hello! This one shot was also suggested by Littlesnow5547

Trigger warning(s) : Alcohol, depression, Smoking, Drugs, self harming. Suicidal thoughts, Abuse, Sexual Abuse,anorexia and Anxiety.

Dans Sister in this story is played by my best friend. iBlackFlower

This is more my style when it comes to my books hehehe. This is a very long oneshot.

Hope you enjoy the on shot guys, and girls.
Dans POV

I slowly exhale the white puffs of smoke from my finger tips as I lean against the wall of this shit hole. It's seriously gotten so pathetic how everyone thinks this is amazing whilst I'm here smoking my life away through a tiny white rolled up sheet of paper.

I throw the cigarette down on the floor and stamp on it a couple of times before walking back into school. Taking a mint in my mouth and chewing it slightly before walking inside the school and walking straight to my locker.

"Did you know that Dan howell is secretly on heroin."
"Dan howell is such a bully."
"Dan howell is disgusting."

Yep... That's my life. Because I do do all of them things and I am disgusting. I keep away from people apart from bully people from time to time. And I do take heroin. It disgusts me on how I've gotten that low that I needed to take heroin to try and stop the emotional pain that runs in my brain and heart but I can't stop. It's too addictive.

I walk to my first lesson English and sit down at the back of the class. Just to try and drown out the mean comments, but I can always still hear them.

Faggot, ugly, disgusting, heroin addict, alcoholic, depressed shit.

There always there.

3 new people come in the class and I groan internally, why does the school except new people. There annoying and always want to start a conversation with me. When I looked up my eyes widened.

There was a boy with jet black hair. A side parting just like mine but on the opposite side and blue eyes. His milky skin going perfectly with his black skinnies and blue top. My heart rate immediately increased and I cursed to myself.

Why the fuck are you feeling this was you weird freak.

I just shake my head and try to take him away from my thoughts but I couldn't. I see these two other boys with their hands interlocked and smiling brightly. Luckily our school is not that homophobic but they all are to me. Anything to put me down right.

I learned a little bit about them all and the boy with the black hair and blue eyes came over and sat down next to me as there was no other seats. He smiled at me before taking out his note book and started sketching. I kept looking over and saw that he was sketching a boy that was in a corner with his knees tucked up against his chest and his head resting on his arms and around him words where spread across the page,

Ugly, messed up, emo, disgusting, freak, worthless, useless, no one cares, weird, depressed, cutter, anorexic, faggot!

My eyes widen as he pulls the sleeves on his jumper down past his finger tips and blushed. I saw that his eyes where teary and I couldn't help but wander why he would draw something like that, unless he had experienced what I have.

The teacher asked a question and Phil put his hand up with caused a bit of his sleeve to fall down and my heart rate stopped as I saw numerous cuts just at the top of his wrist. He pulled his sleeve up and grabbed hold of the sleeve before answering the question.

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