.You Dont Remember Me.

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That's what Dan looks like when he turns himself punk/emo

People can sometimes forget about you, that's what
Dan finds out in this One-Shot.

Suggested by Littlesnow5547

Trigger warnings : Anorexia, Depression, Bullying, drugs, abuse, alcoholism.

Dan used to go to the same school as Phil, PJ and Chris, and they used to bully these Emo kids until Dan had to leave because of his alcoholic and abusive dad and because of his depression and in sixth form Dan comes back but this time he is representing the kids that they used to bully, him being emo, anorexic and depressed, Phil, Chris, and PJ started bullying Dan because of this and then Dan spills that he is Dan and there all really shocked and then Dan and Phil start dating.


Dans POV,

I walk into the school gates and meet up with Phil PJ and Chris, "Yo! bitches" I say and they laugh, I fist bump Phil and the others before walking into the school. We walk to my locker and start talking until someone ran into Chris. They looked at us with fear in there eyes.

"I'm sorry populars." They say and PJ grabs the boys collar and shoves him against a wall. "I don't think your that fucking sorry." PJ says and slaps his face hard. I shiver at that but everyone laughs, I laugh fakery with them and the kid scrambles away from us. "What a shit." PJ says and I nod smirking. But on the inside I felt totally bad for the kid.

"He's an emo little shit that's what he is." Phil says and I agree with him. We are known as the populars, we are all extremely close friends but the one thing we do is that we bully people. Innocent people. For being gay and emo. That's how low we are. But it makes us popular so we do it. And I think that they enjoy it. I don't though.

I do it because I want to still be friends with them, when they don't actually know half of the shit that goes on in my place. My dad is abusive, he killed my mother, he hits me just like I hit the kids Dailey. I'm depressed. So fucking depressed. But I don't show it at all.

"Come on Dan, let's go class." Phil says, placing his hand on my shoulder and I nod smiling. Me and Phil are a lot more closer to each other than we are with Chris and PJ, and Chris and PJ are a lot closer with each other than they are with me an Phil, but we have always lived with it.

I pull my sleeves on my blue hoodie down before walking down the halls with Phil. Even though we're popular we are not like the stereo typical popular kids that have girls clinging odd them and love football, we hate football, We mostly talk about Pokémon and Mario Kart and stuff like that.

I walk into English and sit next to Phil. I could never tell him how I really feel about him. He would hate me. He would throw me out and kill me. I don't care if I do die. It would just hurt more if Phil was the cause of my death.

I was just put on this planet to die but everything hurts. My dads punches. The way everyone talks about gay people. The way I talk about gay people when I am Gay... It's just. Phil's blue eyes, and his almost translucent skin. It's quite beautiful how his body is. But he could never know that.

Everyone knows that I'm quite.. Shy compared to my other friends. But I do have trust issues after my dad and I'm always scared of saying the wrong thing because I think that they will turn into my dad and start punching me.

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