.Psychiatric Ward. (Part 1)

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This is a weird oneshot guys, and there will be another part to the pastel punk boy.

Tigger warning(s): Schizophrenia, depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts, bulimia, anorexia.

Summary: Dan is being hospitalised for schizophrenia and anorexia, Phil is being hospitalised for severe depression and bulimia, what happens when they both clash together?


Dans POV.

"Jeremy! I've tried! It won't happen." I say and he sighs.

You need to throw them tablets up. They are saying I'm not real, and are giving you tablets to forget me.

Jeremy, my best friend since the age of 15, but people keep saying he's not real, it's annoying, why can't they know that he is real! Not just some 'hallucination' that's why I'm in this ward, they think I'm mental, and for other reasons.

Did you throw up you're breakfast today than?

"I tried but they caught me." The reason Jeremy is my best friend is because he helps me, he helps me look pretty by checking if I have thrown up my meals, he is helping me and the doctors don't believe me.

Ugh, why can't they just leave us alone.

He's nice, he is the nicest friend I've had.. The only friend I've had, ever. I sigh and sit in the hospital bed. I've been diagnosed here for two years, I told my mum and dad about Jeremy when I was 17 and they sent me here, never been out since.

"Two years of fucking nothing. I'm getting bored of this now" I say and he just nods. We are meant to share dorm rooms with another person, but the last guy had to leave because I was 'crazy' I'm not,  anything but crazy.

I heard a nock on the door before a nurse wandered in, "how are you today Daniel?" She asks and I shrug. "I'm fine, Jeremy taught me a joke." I say and the nurse sighs. "Dan, Jeremy isn't real." I just shook my head angrily at her before staring out the window.

"How would you know?" I say and she looks around the room before replying. "I can't see him." I furrow my eyebrows and look at where Jeremy was sitting, right on the bed opposite mine. "Anyway, here are you're tablets" "Why are you making Jeremy go away?" I blurt out, she sighs and puts a hand to her head. "Because he's not good for you." She says before leaving. I sigh and grab the tablets, chucking them down my throat without a glass of water and swallowing them. The worst part about this place is that they have this white board above you're bed, and it tells you what the patients name is, what the prefer to be called, the estimated date of departure.

And why you're in here. So why don't we go through mine?

Patients name: Daniel James Howell
Preferred to be: Dan.
Estimated date of discharge: 9/9/2017
Date Of Arrival: 21/9/2015
Reason of Stay: Anorexia, Schizophrenia.

I've already been here a year tomorrow and then I'd have to put up with yet another year of this horrid place. I just really want to go home. It's been a year tomorrow and I haven't been out of this room in a while.

Suddenly I heard a nock on my door. I looked over and saw someone at it. "Jeremy can you get it?" I say and I see that he's no where to be seen. "Okay fine leave me to get it." I say and go to open the door.

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