The PastelPunk Boy #2

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This is the second part that people have been asking for, (These are all of my personal one shots, I don't use any other individuals and class it as my own. )

Trigger warning(s): Self Harm, Anorexia, depression, bullying.

Summary: Phil notices that his pastel punk isn't eating still, he notices that he's still sad, he notices that he is the most beautiful person in his world.

PastelPunk!Dan and Punk!Phil.

Dans POV.

"Dan... You know I love you, right?" Phil says as he fiddles faith the ends of my hair. I'm currently sitting on Phil's lap as we are in the cafeteria, him hugging me and looking at me playing a game in my phone.

I put my phone down and kiss his cheek. "I love you too love." I say and smile at him, I'm scared. I really don't feel that Phil loves me, why would he like a fat pastel boy.. When there are beautiful boys in this school, other than the ugly prick that is on his lap.

"You know that I love you... Right." He says and give all my willpower to nod and whisper a small "Yes" because he would ask questions otherwise. "Come on, let's eat some food yeah?" I almost gag as I hear that word food. It's disgusting, it makes me more fat than I already am.

"Yeah sure.." I say but don't even try and pick up the food that was on Phil's plate, cafeteria food is quite nice here, but I don't think any food is nice if it makes you gain weight. "Dan." Phil gives me a warned look and I just stick my tongue out.

"What are you going to do?" I say and squeak as he pinches my ass. "Now eat" he chuckles and takes a spoonful of the tomato soup and gestures for me to open my mouth. Suddenly tears sprung at my eyes, why am I getting emotional... I can take one spoonful... For Phil.

I eat the spoonful and swallow it straight away, not wanting to taste it as much as the substance slithered down my throat and I instantly felt disgusted in myself. "Yay!" He says and puts the spoon down and hugs me tightly.

"Ugh. Why did you need to know about my 'disorder'" I put air quotation marks on 'disorder' because it's not a disorder! I'm just trying to be pretty. "Because you where going to kill yourself and you had you're top off and you looked like a skeleton. And it is a disorder because nobody starves themselves because they want to." He whispers so nobody can hear us and my heart beat immediately increased.

Phil doesn't need to know anything.

"True..." I whisper and push my sleeves down past my fingertips and sigh. "You are one beautiful person, you know that?" He says and I shake my head. "No... But thank you love" he smiles at me and kisses my cheek as the bell goes. We both have the day off now as we have free period. "Let's go back to mine yeah?" He says and picks me up bridal style.

I giggled as he grabbed my bag, "fucking Hell you're light." He says and I blush.. Why does he feel the need to lie about everything. I just stayed quiet as he put my bag over his shoulder and carried me out the school, people giving us strange looks but as soon as they saw Phil they turned there heads.

Everyone knows they will get hurt if they touch his 'Danny'

He gets to the car park and puts me down as he reaches his car, grabbing his keys from his poets and unlocking the door and opening the passenger side for me. "Why thank you royal highness." I say jokingly and he laughs. "You're welcome ma'am." He says back and I just chuckle at how dorky he is before getting in the car and him shutting the door.

He got in on the drivers side and started the engine, it spluttering slightly before roaring back to life and ready to use its gears and drive us to our destination. Phil reverses out and realises that I didn't have my seatbelt on. "Ohhh babe you trying to be a Bad kid?" He asks and I laugh and shake my head lightly.

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