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Leah ,


"Your what" I said to Romeo.

Romeo took Diamond and I out to eat. I thought he was just being nice, he is because some information is being reveal. 

"I-I am moving y'all" He stated again.

"What why? when?" Diamond exclaimed. 

Romeo brushed his hands through his hair. I think he sees the hurt in our eyes. I can't believe it and I won't until he has actually moved.

"I am moving Friday and because my mom wants to be there for my grandma and plus she wanted to move back home" He said.

I looked at Diamond who was sitting by me. She just starred at the table. See Romeo is so much like a brother to us. He is always there when we have advice. When we are hurt he is there and vise versa. I remember when we actually met Romeo




"Diamond look at that boy over there" I yelled pointing to the boy that was on the bench by himself.

Diamond put her hair behind her ear and looked closer.

"Oh that is just the new boy Leah" She yelled the continued playing on the swing.

He looked somewhat lonely. He just sat there and watched as everyone played. Diamond slowed her swing down.

"Maybe we should go talk to him" Diamond said.

We both got up and began to walk to walk over to him.

"Class it is time to come in for snack time" Mrs. Riley said.

Diamond rolled her eyes as we redirected ourselves towards the entry back into the building. I watched as "the new by" quietly made his way into the building. 

"Leah stop watching that boy" She said with a laugh.

We made it back into out class for snack. I out my cookies and juice and as always Diamond got out fruit and water. We began eatting our snack and as always we shared like I would share. I let her have some cookies and she let me have some of her juice. 

"Leah should we let him eat at our table" Diamond asked.

"Um I guess" I said and got up.

I got up nervously. What if this boy was mean or what if he was going to say no. I made my way over to him.

"Hi im Leah" I spoke with a wave to let him know how nice I was.

He looked up from his Lunchable and has the cutest eyes.

"Im Romeo" He said with a light smile.

"Well, Romeo would you like to eat with my friend and I" I said pointing to Diamond.

He looked to see who I was talking about he smiled and said "Yeah"

I guided him back to our table. I nudged Diamond to speak.

"Hi, I am Diamond" She said with a smile.

"Romeo" He said with smile and tended to his Lunchable.

"You happy about being in the third grade" I asked.

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