Graduation Day

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Diamond ,

I took one last look at my self as I took a spin in front of my mirror. I smiled as I began to make faces, I crack myself up. Today is th day, I am walking away from JMHS. I never been so happy in my life. Something new, College. I am definitely going to UVA, I have no idea where Tyler is going.

"Diamond you ready" Mama said peeping her head in my door. "You look sooo.. beauu... Nathan come here! Look at our baby.." She said. Nathan came to the door.

He sighed "Now I have to get my shot gun and Tyler first in line"

We busted out laughing. The two left my room and I began taking pictures of myself.

After my mini photo session, i walked downstairs. I saw Kayla sitting on the bar stool.

"Diamond?" She asked as she ate the cinnamon pop tart.

"Yes Kay"

"You look pretty but can I ride with you?"

I slightly laughed "Ofcourse you can"

As I made my way outside. I quickly got happy, my boyfriend. He smirked and gestured for me to come over to him.

"Baby we about to graduate!" He said as we hugged.

"Awh" His mother said as she took a picture. I began to blush. I love being with my boyfriend.

As I looked at Tyler and took pictures memories went through my head. Good ones and the bad. Who knew I would love Tyler.

I wish my real mother and father were here to see me. I wish they could see how mature and independent I have become. They also need to thank Miss Alice, well my mother, for raising me. If it wasn't for her I would be in foster care and then would have to be released into the world, unknowingly.

I sighed as I began to go through my phone. "Yall ready?" I said as I sat in the driver's seat of my car.

They began to get into their cars. Kayla and Tyler and riding with me it seems "Tyler why you not taking your car?"

"Because, I wanted to ride with my baby, I was always driving you around.. now it is my turn to ride" He said as he buckled his seat belt. I looked in the rearview mirror and so Kayla.

I smiled "Kayla is ready"

She nodded her head and began to look out the window. I started the car then pulled off. We rode down the highway with Come Thru by Drake blasting through my speakers.

"Baby your phone vibrating" Tyler cooed.

"Answer.. wait wait who is it?"


"Oh yeah answer" I said reassuring him.

"Diamond's boyfriend speaking"

I smirked as I heard what else he was saying.

"Oh really, well can I take a message?"

"Bae just put it on speaker" I snapped then laughed.

He did so and Leah's voice came through the phone.


She scared everyone in the car "Wh-what" I said laughing.

"Sweet yellow bone thang I call her honetmustard" I laughed.

"Hype much?"

"Yesss, We Graduatinggg !!"

"Okay Leah that is enough" I said, now serious. We talked for a bit more as I exited the highway. The call ended.

"You ready bae" He said looking towards me. I turned into the school parking lot "Yess" I replied with a smile.

As we walked through the halls of my soon to be school I would be Alumni of all types of memories came flashing through my head. I looked over and the doorway where Tyler and I first bumped into eachother. I smirked I would have never known we would be in this kind of perdicument today.

Leah and I made our way to the auditorium and took our seat with our graduating class. Since Leah and I have then same last name we sat beside eachtoher. I turned around and saw mama, Leah's aunt and Tyler's family sitting beside eachother. I smiled and waved to them all.

"Welcome All and more importantly welcome departing Justices" The principal, Mrs. Britt started. I began to zone in and out the speech. She about to be boring. I looked behind me to see Tyler.

We caught eyes and smiled at each other. I soon blushed but then was brought back to earth by the sound of applause I looked turned around then noticed that the first person had already gotten there diploma. I waited patiently until my name was called.

"Diamond Jones" The principals voice echoed throughout the auditorium.

People began to clap as I got up. This feeling is so unexplainable. I walked up the side stairs first greeting our principle. I smiled and hugged her then the assistant principle lastly the head administrator to obtain my exit ticket from high school. I smiled to the crowd as I exited the stage. I looked up to see my family, yes my family smiling and cheering.

I sat back down and began to think of all the journeys that are ahead of me. I finally get to move into the next chapter in my life.

"Girl we did it" Leah exclained as the next peson was called up to get their diploma.

"How does it feel to be a highschool graduate" Mama asked as she sat down at the table beside me.

We all had a get together at Leah's aunt house. Of course Tyler wasn't here they had there own little thing at his house. I missed my boyfriend and I still don't know what college he is going to. I would want him to follow his dream and go to Alabama for that scholarship.

I smiled "It feels the same" She rubbed my shoulder then got up. Leah's aunt came strolling over to me with Leah behind her.

"Diamond, Someone is here to see y'all.. Come out to the front" She said. I looked at Leah and she shrugged her shoulder, meaning she has no idea. We walked behind her aunt. I began to feel anxious.

"Leah and Diamond... this is Raymon..." She began to get uneasy "your dad"

"I will be back" She turned around.

He coughed then said "I want to start off by saying sorry to both of you... I know it is just crazy for me to pop up in your life, but I have been through some shit.."

"Well hi dad.. I guess" Leah said.

Like it was fine. I looked at Leah then Raymond. All the things in my life could have easily been reversed. I could tell off the back Raymond is selfish and money hungry he looks like it. He replied to Leah with a smile. He could tell I wasn't having it. For one, you can't play me and for to he seems fake. I looked at him.

"You put me in foster care for sixteen years... Leah I will be back" I said in a low tone on the verge on tears.


Second book is called "Be Real With Me"

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