possible tw
its hard not to sit here and think woW kId u dUn fuCkEd üP
even if you didnt do anythingUGH!
lol 1975 ref
anyways fuck
i ship jackcepticeye and markipier so much fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
seriously im so just cluster fucked rn
shit happened last night
im sorry to those who were put through one of my many episodes of selfishness/bipolarness actions
but seriously to this one girl
fuck you.
you put her through hell
i know youre crushing on her
stop holding her hand without consent
shes not into you
youre a shit friend
youre so fucking up her ass
shes not gonna be yours
she never will
stop being so protective, you dont own her
she has other friends
i know you hate me
i wish the feelings were mutual
but i cant hate you
youre her friend
thats fucked up if i hate you
i used to want to be your friend
but i know what would happen if we werebut seriously
a thing people dont know about me is i love websites like wikkihow
i love to read about what to domaybe its cause i become so unstable idk how to handle shit.
thats my favorite photo rn
welcome to my mind
Humor*i always put a tw just in case i say something triggering* Chase all about the adventures of an mentally unstable queer kid.