How did I met you? ( Logan Lerman fan-fiction)

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'' O my god, I can not wait!'' I said as I was packing my blue t-shirt. I was finally ready and I closed my suitcase.

‘’ We will see Hollywood sign! Anna excitedly as she walked into my room. We lived on the last floor so the view was amazing. She plopped on my bed and and turned on the TV.

Tomorrow we will be on a plane to LA. I am really excited. I hope it will be a lot of fun. Perhaps we will see some famous people there… No, actually I am excited about the museums and… The beach of course! Here in New York you can never go to beach. Anna and I lived in Miami when we were little, but because of our parents work. I miss Miami.

Oh, yes I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Tanya, and Anna is my best friend. We were buddies for as long as I can remember. Our families are really close. I have an older brother who lives back in Miami. He is 30 years old. Anna is an only child.

‘’ Girls, dinner!’’ My mom yelled from the kitchen. I forgot to mention you that I still lived with my parents.

‘’ Ok mom, we will be there in a second!’’ I answered and turned of the TV.

‘’ Hey, I was watching that!’’ Anna said as she gave me a grumpy look.

‘’ Come on!’’ I said as I pulled her from my bed.

We walked down and my mom was already sitting down. Delicious soup was served. We sat down and poured soup in our plates.

‘’ So girls, did you finish packing?’’ My mom asked.

‘’ Yes!’’ We answered in the same time.

'' Are you excited?'' My mom asked with a smile on her face. We both nodded and finished eating.

I went to my room, to look at my stuff. I had one big suitcase and my backpack. It was not that bad, was it?

I changed into my PJs and went to bed. I could not sleep because of excitement. I stud up to check if my plane ticket was still there and I went through my suitcase twice.  When I finished it was about half past eleven so I went to bed.


'' Wake up Tanya! We will be late!'' Anna screamed. I was rubbing my eyes trying to adjust to the light.

'' Hmmm?'' I mumbled. Anna had a devil smile on her face. This was not going to be good.

''Come on!'' Anna yelled. I steeped out of my warm bead to the cold floor.

'' COLD FLOOR! COLD FLOOR! COLD FLOOR!'' I cried. I started jumping around, trying to find my slippers. Anna was laughing her socks off. Soon I joined her.

'' Come on get ready!'' Anna said and left me alone laughing. I looked at the clock. It was half past four. I felt so tired. I needed to get ready.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After that I got ready. I went with black skinny jeans and burgundy vans hodie. I took my suitcases to the living room.

Mom and dad were waiting for us in the living room. I gave them the last hug and soon we were outside waiting for a cab. It was a nice morning, but it was still dark outside. Wind was blowing, cooling down hot New York streets. I enjoyed the weather unit I heard a loud car horn. Driver took our stuff and put it in the trunk. We steeped in and I told driver the direction.

At the airport we went through the security and we were having breakfast in the cafe. Our flight was in 20 minutes.

How did I met you? ( Logan Lerman fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now