Chapter 6 (Anna PVO)

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I woke up late. Tanya already left so I was alone. I checked my phone. No texts. I will get ready and I will send a text then. I took a shower. I got dressed in my black jeans and white T-Shirt with Vans! Yes I love vans. I heard my phone ringing.

‚‚ Hello.‚‚ I said.

‚‚ Hey it is Josh. So do you still want to hang out?‚‚ He said.

‚‚ Yes, yes! so when are we going to meet?‚‚ I asked trying to hide my excitement. 

‚‚ In 15 minutes in front of your hotel. Hollywood palace, right?‚‚ He asked.

‚‚ Yes, se ya!‚‚ I said.

‚‚ Bye!‚‚ He said.

O my lord I was so excited! I jumped around for a while. I forgot to put any makeup. Ooo wheel! I did not have any time left. I got down and waited for him. I saw him through the window. He was wearing dark blue T-Shirt, black jeans and grey vans. Haha we had similar outfits. He walked in. When I saw him I waved. 

‚‚ Hi!‚‚ He said giving me a hug. 

‚‚ Hi, so where are we going?‚‚ I asked. 

‚‚ One place in the hills. It is like a park with a pound. We can play basketball there!‚‚ He said smiling. O his smile!. Yes, I am a fan girl. Hardcore one.

‚‚ Cool!‚‚ I said.

We got in to the car and I turned the radio.

‚‚ Hope you do not mind cause I am not planing to turn it of!‚‚ I said with mean voice. 

He just smiled and I started singing to the song that was currently on. Thrift Shop, BABY! 

Josh looked at me with a weird look. I just laughed and he joined me. We where singing to the along to the songs on the radio. We got to the park after about 20 minutes drive. It was beautiful there. I brought my camera and that was a good thing. I took a lot of pictures and I took pictures with Josh... Duh! I want to remember this moment forever!

‚‚ Hey do you want to play basketball?‚‚ He asked throwing the ball at me. 

‚‚ Yap!‚‚ I said.

We played for about 2 hours.

‚‚ You are not that bad.‚‚ Josh said.

‚‚ I guess I am not I think I am better then you!‚‚ I mocked him. 

‚‚ Oww we will see about that!‚‚ He said with an evil laugh. 

‚‚ Oooo I am so scarred.... NOT!‚‚ I yelled. 

We played for another half of hour and he won. 

‚‚ So what do you have to say loser!?‚‚ He said laughing.

‚‚ Stop calling me that or I will cry!‚‚ I said.

‚‚ Sorry... Loser!‚‚ He said.

‚‚ You are mean!‚‚ I yelled and started fake cry. I was a real good actress so it looked like I was crying for real. 

He looked at me and than got over to me and hugged me. I should act more often! 

‚‚ Got ya!‚‚ I screamed and started laughing.

‚‚ Wow you are a god actress!‚‚ He said and joined me in laughing.

‚‚ Yap, I know!‚‚ I said in a mean girl voice.

‚‚ Hey, can we go back to town cause I am starving!‚‚ Josh said.

‚‚ Yes cause I am starving to!‚‚ I said.

We got back in to the car.

‚‚ So when are you going back to NY?‚‚ He asked.

‚‚ Ow tomorrow.‚‚ I said with a sad smile.

‚‚ I will soon come to NY so we can hang out!‚‚ He said, me looking at him. He was so cute in his perfection! Yes I like him! I liked him before we even met so do not juge me!

‚‚ Yes of course. You have my number so you can call me and I will send you my skype adress if you agree?‚‚ I said.

‚‚ Yes I will send you mine too but it sucks that you are going tomorrow.‚‚ He said with a weak smile.

‚‚ Yes I know.‚‚ I said. 


We ate at McDonald's. O my god I love McDonald's! After that we went for a walk so I took some more pictures. It was a lovely day. I hope that T is having a good time too. I got back to hotel around 9 and saw T dead asleep. I got changed in to my pjs and I was dead asleep after 5 minutes. 

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