Chapter 2

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It was 10 a.m. when I woke up. Anna was in the bathroom and I turned on the TV. The News where on. It is just Blah, Blah, Blah... I tuned out and looked at the Hollywood sign. We will go there today. I was so excited. I took my phone and looked at the message from Logan.

Logan: I will met you next to the Hollywood sign at 1 a clock :)

Tanya: We will be there. See ya :D

‚‚ Anna we will meet Logan at the Hollywood sign at 1!,, I said while I was picking my outfit. I got some black shorts and green T-shirt with blue stripes and my white converse. When Anna got out the bathroom she was whearing a cute black shorts with vertical white stripes, hot pink T-shirt and black vans. She was wearing a hat and a little bit of make up. When I finished it was 11a.m. and we needed to hurry up.

‚‚ Come on! We need to go now or we will be late!‚‚ Anna said nocking on the door.

‚‚ I will be redy in sec!‚‚ I yelled.

I was putting a little mascara and then I got out of the bathroom and took my backpack. Anna and I was runing through hallways and got to the lobby fast. We asked for directions to the Hollywood sign. We called a cab and he drowe us to the the place under the hill. 

‚‚ We will need to climb to there.‚‚ I said with a sad smile on my face.

Anna noded and we started walking up the hill. Anna brought her camera and she was snaping every thing on our way to the top. She even took one picture of me in the air and you can  see the whole LA behind me.

It was 1 o clock when we got up there. We where right on time. I saw Logan coming to us. I yelled hi. When we met hi gave us a hug.

‚‚ So first this is a Hollywood sign. This is all I can tell you about it.‚‚ Logan said and Anna and I burst into the laughing.

He was just looking at us and joined us. We where looking like a crazy weirdos. If you can not hurt them, join them went through my head. That made me smile more. After we took some pictures we sat down on the ground and talked for a little while.

‚‚ Where do you want to go next?‚‚ Logan asked.

Anna looked at me and said ‚‚ Walk of Fame!‚‚

‚‚ Ok so that is our next stop.‚‚ Logan playfully said.

It took us 1 hour to got down the hill. We where riding in Logans car to the walk of fame. We where singing to the radio. Anna and I where waywing in the rhythm of the songs. Logan was just smiling and singing with us. I admit... He has a great voice.

I loved the Walk of Fame. So many celebrities walked right here.

‚‚ Logan do you have a star here?‚‚ Anna asked.

‚‚ Nope, you need to be a big star to get one.‚‚ He answered.

Anna took some pictures and we pretended to be celebrities. In fact I was walking with one. Logan was a celebrity, but not the mean one. He was so down to earth and so fun to be around.

After that we went to lunch at sushi place. I learned that that was Logans favorite food. I kind of like it but pizza is so much better.

After we finished we went to the smal Tokyo in LA. It is a bunch of stores with Japan stuff. I found some Pop-in cooking. I saw that on Youtube but I never found it in NY. Logan and Anna where mocking me because I bought that. They said that it is stupid. I do not think so!

‚‚ You need to come to my place some day so we can try it out!‚‚ Logan said while laughing.

I punched him in the ribs and said ‚‚ Yes‚.‚‚

We spent a lot of time in Small Tokyo.

‚‚‚Do you want to go to the movies?‚‚ Anna asked.

‚‚ Hmm.... Yes!‚‚ I said.

‚‚ Ok, ladies chose.‚‚ Logan said.

we went to the movies and it was a lot of fun. We wached The Mean Of Steal. I loved it so much. Afther that Logan drowe us back to the hotel and I fell a sleep as soon as I touched my bed. 

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