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"You flirted with him, correct?"

"No, I did not."

"After you flirted with him, you just wanted attention right? Felt a little lonely."

"I did not feel lonely, I didn't want him."

"Your father abandoned you after your mother died, he shut you out so you tried to find attention elsewhere, right?"

Her palms were swearing, her body was shaking, she knew she would fall apart in a matter of seconds.

"My father didn't abandon me, he was busy-"

"Since he was too busy to look after you, you wanted to pay him back by using Mr Harvey."


Sairah could barely utter her defence, she could hardly breathe, no matter how hard she tried. She just couldn't breathe, tears threatened to escape.

"How about we take a break?"

Finally, she felt air, sweet glorious air in her lungs and escaping rapidly. John, gently tugged on her knitted sweater, trying to pull up, she didn't fight back. There was no use, she needed a break.

"I am sorry Maddie, it's just.."

Maddie, Sairah's lawyer, smiled understanding and waved off her apology.

"It is fine Sairah, we still have time to work on this. I want your voice to be stronger then mine with more conviction, we are not letting this guy out. Lets add more years onto this sentence, lets make him rot in there."

"Yes, maybe I should become a lawyer."

"You are too stupid to be a lawyer John."

"Is this you way of saying that you don't want me to leave you?"

"How did you get to that conclusion, enlighten me."

"In order for me to be a lawyer, I would have to leave to a really good Law university for a couple of years, away from here and you are discouraging me so that must mean you want me to stay. Am I right or am I right?"

Maddie whistled, pleased at his reply while Sairah couldn't help but glare and secretly hide her grin.

"You have been hanging out with Maddie far too much."

"Oh are you jealous?"

"I am far too old for you and my Husband would care."

"And why would I be jealous?"

"Because you clearly like me."

"I am going to go study, Maddie there is a tin full of cup cakes. They are for you, take them. Have fun with your kids today."

"Wait, I did not hear the denial, Maddie did you-"

"I am keeping out of this one kiddo, Sairah you are so sweet, see you both tomorrow."

With that, she took the tin off the kitchen top counter and ran out the door. Now there was only John and Sairah, he stood leaning against the wall, hands deep in his pockets and an eyebrow raised. Oh and that silly smirk on his face.

"John, you know we can't..."

She could feel the blush start creep up all over her face, John couldn't help his grin.

"We can't what?"

"You know, we can't..."

"Go bowling?"


"So we can."

"Of course we can!"

"It is a official then, we are dating."

Her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open, did she honestly fall for that? John couldn't help it, he burst out laughing.

"We can not date."

"Why ever not Pee?"

"Two reasons, one, I do not like you and two, Islam prohibits dating."

"There is a third reason, what is it?"

"It isn't that I do not trust you, I just am not ready and I never will be."

"I am willing to wait."

"You deserve someone better John, don't waste your time on me."

"It is my life, I choose how I spend it. Time wasting is fun."

"I am really going to study."

"And I am going to see my grandma, I haven't been with her for a while, I am a call away."

"Stay there for today, spend time with her. I feel-"

"If you say anything negative, I will hug you."

"Amazing, I feel amazingly great with the distance we have right now."

With that Sairah ran upstairs, John couldn't help but stare after her with a grin. Still grinning he turned to leave but was stopped by Sairah's Father, who was not smiling at all.

"Hi Sir."

Please note:

Thank you for reading, please check out my new book called 'It's not stalking!'

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