Chapter 6

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Jasmine helped me get ready for the party.

I couldn't believe that it was already that day. I was probably making it into a bigger deal than it actually was but I had a good reason, I was about to be surrounded by rich people. They were gonna smell the poor on me. I looked at the blue dress that laid on my bed while Jasmine braid my hair back in a fishtail. I sighed.


"I don't know, I guess I'm just nervous."

"You're going to be gorgeous, I mean Emily look at that freaking dress." I laughed under my breath.


I changed into the dress and for some reason, it felt tighter than before. Jasmine tied the lace back. Before taking a step back to really look at me.

"Oh my god, look at you!" She screeched. My eyes drifted to the mirror. With my hair and makeup done, I could've passed for a celebrity. While the dress wasn't extremely fancy, it was simple in a sophisticated way and it made me feel elegant. Jasmine insisted she take pictures of me. I was never a photogenic person, but the dress and the makeup helped quite a bit. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Xavier burst into the room. He was wearing a black suit, but the suit jacket was open in the front, revealing the black dress shirt underneath. The dress shirt was unbuttoned a bit at the top, revealing the tip of his collarbone and chest. His usual messy hair was pulled back neatly out of his face. Black on black really suited him.

"We have to get going-" His sentence trailed off once he saw me. I watched as his eyes flickered down the front of me, not once, but twice, causing my face to quickly rise in temperature.

"She looks amazing right?" Jasmine spoke, nudging Xavier with her elbow. I bit my bottom lip, turning so that I wasn't facing them.

"Uh, I just came up to let you know it was almost time to go, but I guess you're ready." I nodded, taking a deep breath and turning back toward him.

"Oh my gosh, please keep me updated. Send me lots of pics." She was like a mom. "But most importantly, have fun," she teased, winking before disappearing out of the room. Xavier watched her leave before shifting his eyes back over to me. The air suddenly felt a lot thicker.

"Are you ready?"

Was it too late to bail?

"Yeah, I'm ready." I forced a smile on my face. No matter how nervous I was, I told Xavier I would do this for him.

But maybe I couldn't.

By the time we got there, I felt like I was going to puke. My body temperature was through the roof and I could've sworn I had sweat right through my dress. The party was in a huge banquet hall, nothing I had ever been in. As we got closer to the stair leading to the front door, I could see more people flooding inside. My regret was becoming more and more apparent and before we got to the door, I became more hesitant. Xavier stopped and turned toward me.

"Are you are you want to do this? You can leave." I shook my head. I had already gotten this far. He sighed and ran his fingers through his dark hair, causing a piece to fall loose into his face. "You look amazing tonight, Emily." I smiled and looked down at my hands.

Him and his stupid compliments.

"I can hardly breath in this dress." He snickered.

"That's the Emily I know." He held his elbow out for me to take and we walked into the building together.

It was loud and there was so many people. Everyone was dressed in elegant gowns and suits, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I felt the anxiety start to well up again. There were eyes burning into my back as Xavier led me through the crowd.

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