Chapter 1

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You never realize how fast life is moving until you are standing in the yard of your childhood home, packing a car full of your belongings to move away.

I told myself I wasn't going to cry.

"I can't believe we are going to college!" Jasmine squeaked as we carried down the last of my things. "Parties and boys, ooooo so many boys." I rolled my eyes, shoving my suitcase into the little space that remained in Jasmine's little Chevy Malibu. "I mean come on, Em, you'll totally be able to get a guy especially since there's a good chance one will be your neighbor." I closed the trunk.

"Right," I replied, turning and facing her, "it was your idea to room in a coed dorm."

"Oh come on," she teased, punching me playfully in the shoulder, "it won't be that bad."

Clearly she was more excited than I was. She was the social one of the two of us, if it wasn't for her, I would probably be in the corner of a library somewhere for the rest of my life, which wasn't an issue for me. "Are you ready to go?"

"Just give me sec." I turned, jogging back to my dad who was standing on my front porch. I jumped into his arms. "Bye dad!" He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I could feel his body start to shake as he was tried to hold back his tears.

"I'm really sorry I can't help you move in with work and stuff." I pulled away from him and smiled.

"Dad, it's okay." He smiled down at me, the signs of age showing around his almond colored eyes. I got mine from him.

"You're mother would be so proud. I'm so proud of you." Jasmine beeped the horn, indicating that her patience was wearing thin. I glanced over my shoulder. "Well, you should probably get going." He took a deep breath.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Emily." I turned and jogged down the driveway toward Jasmine's car."Call me as soon as you get there!" My dad called after me. I got into the passenger's sear and waved as my childhood home slowly disappeared.

This was it.

I was going to college.

It seemed like forever until we got there. Three hours to be exact. Jasmine talked about numerous things. What clubs she wanted to join and the people she wanted to meet. I toned her out at some point during the ride, letting my mind wander as her chatter turned into nothing but background noise.

Eventually, we pulled up to the entrance of the college. Oakland University.

Jasmine was quick to get out, waving for me to hurry up. I stepped out, my sundress brushing against my knees in the light breeze. My eyes scanned my surroundings. Everyone was dressed in average, mostly casual clothes. I looked over at Jasmine who was dressed in khaki shorts and a tank top. Who told me to wear a dress? I rushed over to her, my cheeks starting to warm up from my embarrassment.

"Why didn't you tell me I was overdressed?" I whispered, watching as people looked over at us.

"You look fine." She brushed my off. I followed Jasmine like a lost puppy, trying my best not to loose her in the crowd. We made out way to the main admissions building where we were given our keys. Jasmine was quick to rip her key out of the packet without hesitation.

"What number are you?" She asked. I opened my packet, revealing a silver key that had the number 247 written in blue numbers.


"248! We're neighbors!" She smiled, but a realization soon came across her face. "What about our roommates? What if my roommate is some pretty girl who doesn't like people like me?" She began to panic. I set my hand on her shoulder. I honestly couldn't understand how anyone could not like Jasmine, although she was a lot sometimes, she was probably one of the sweetest people I had met.

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