Chapter 7

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Not long after we stepped back inside, Xavier was taken away by people I didn't even know the names of. My mind flushed with the rush of what had just happened. I didn't know what came upon me but I took the opportunity when I could and disappeared without anyone seeing.

Not that anyone would notice anyway.

On the taxi ride, my mind spun. Did I have feeling for Xavier? Did he have feelings for me? I looked down at the dress my mother had wore and felt the tears starting to well up.

What was I even crying for?

"Is this your stop?" I heard the taxi driver say. I looked up, quickly wiping away a tear that had escaped down my cheek.

"Uh, yeah, thank you." I climbed out, holding my dress up so that it didn't touch the ground. I handed the driver some cash, hoping that it would be enough to cover the fare. The taxi driver looked at me for a second longer before shaking his head and driving away.

I looked back at the bar behind me. Jasmine had brought to this bar a couple weeks ago to left off some steam after a big test. I knew they would accept my fake ID. I probably looked crazy, walking into a bar in a fancy dress, but it didn't matter to me.

"Well what do we have here?" The bartender spoke, walking over to me as I sat down at the bar. He glanced down at my dress before back up to my face. "What can I get for you?" My eyes scanned the menu of cocktails in front of me.

A drink caught my eye.

"Red Headed Slut."

The bartender smiled. "Going for the strong stuff huh? I suggest taking this one in one quick go." He set the glass in front of me and I did exactly what he said.

It burned on the whole way down. I slammed the cup down, coughing loudly, making the bartender laugh a little.

"Something lighter?"

It burned, but it gave me the buzz I needed.

"Another," I said, once I was over the initial taste. The bartender raised his eyebrow before making me another one.

And another.

And another.

The bartender and I, we were good friends by the end of the night. The alcohol had seamlessly melted away any thought I was having.

"One more?" The bartender asked, leaning over the bar so that his face was close to mine. I was too drunk to comprehend his advances. I nodded and he poured me another. I wrapped my fingers around the glass. He watched, waiting for me to take that last shot.

But as I started too, I felt another hand grab my wrist, forcing the drink away from my mouth,

"Hey," I whined. I looked over, not expecting to see Xavier there beside me, glaring at the bartender.

"Are you insane?" His voice was heavy with anger. The bartender shrugged.

"She, my friend, kept asking for more. I'm just doing what the costumer wants."

"Let's go, Emily." I slipped off the stool and followed Xavier willingly out the door. When we were out in the parking lot, the anger started to really show on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair that was no longer neat. He was still wearing the suit from the party and if I was sober, I would've asked how he knew where I was.

"I think the bartender liked me," I said suddenly.

Drunk was an understatement. He looked at me over his shoulder, before going back to figure out what to do with me.

"Are you mad at me." He set his hand down on the hood of his car.

"Why did you leave, Emily?" I leaned against the car.

"I was sad." He stood there for a moment, not saying anything.

"You could've told me." The drunkness was impeding my train of thought. I giggled, holding my dress out.

"Look at this, I look like a princess, or a wannabe princess. I don't belong there." I turned so that I was facing him. He looked at me. "Xavier, I wanted to kiss you." I was close to him at this point, his jade colored eyes staring down at me. I reached out and placed my fist against his stomach, looking up at him. "Kiss me now." I felt him release a breath, the muscles in his jaw twitching. "Please."

And I really thought it was going to happen. I really did.

"I'm not kissing someone who is drunk." He stepped back, breaking whatever connection I had to him. "Get in the car, Emily," he muttered, getting into the driver's side of his car.

The car ride was silent and I don't really remember what happened once we got to campus. When I woke up, he wasn't there and I had the worse headache. I turned slightly, seeing a cup of water on my desk with a pill and a note saying, "take this, it will help the headache."

I grabbed the pill and took it with a drink of water before falling back asleep. I slept until nearly 3pm, only waking up because Jasmine knocked at my door.

I opened the door, wiping my eyes.

"Emily?" Jasmine pushed her way in, looking me up and down.


"What happened to you last night?" I rubbed my head, the headache slowly starting to come back.

"I don't know.." She tilted her head.

"Did something happen between you and Xavier?" I walked back over to my bed and sat down.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone from Housing came and got him this morning. Did you not hear them knock?" I looked over to his side of the room. Before I could saying anything, he walked through the door. Jasmine and I both looked at him. "Hey Xavier!" Jasmine greeted him.

I looked down at my lap.

"Hello, Jasmine." There was an awkward silence that ate at my chest.

"Well, I'm should be going, with studying and all." And she slipped out the door, leaving Xavier and I alone in the unending silence.

"I heard that housing came and talked to you this morning." He took a deep breath.

"Yeah, they did." I made circles on my sheet with my finger.

"What did they want?" Another deep breath. He turned and looked at me.

"Emily, I'm changing dorms. 

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