Chapter 5

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Niall's P.O.V

I saw her, She looked beautiful. I couldn't stop looking at her. Ever since she came her. But i can't like a girl. I couldn't do it again. Not after Melody. I couldn't go through that again. I'd just keep a distance from her. I can't let her into my life like i did with Megan, She'l just leave like she did. Everyone leaves. Nobody stays forever. I excluded myself from everyone and stood in the corner of the living room.

"Hey man, Come play some pool" Zayn called i had to do something to get her off my mind.

"Yeah, sure" I put my drink down on the table and played some pool with the guys.

 "YEAAAAH" I screamed in Zayns ear

"WE WON BITCH, NOW YOU DRINK"  Zayn sculled the whole cup of beer, The rest of the night was complete blur. Girls came up to us and sweaty bodies grinded up against me. But nothing got my mind off Ally. Maybe if i got with a girl i'd get my mind off her. 

I looked around seeing Abby grinding against all these guys, But i couldn't see Ally anywhere. I swear she was there a minute ago. I walked into the kitchen to get a drink expecting her to be in there but she wasn't. I spotted her friends in the corner of the living room. She wasn't even there, She was nowhere. I went over to her friends

"Do you know where Ally is?" I questioned

"N-no no, She said she was going to find Abby" Sarah stuttered. Shes just another scared bitch. They all are just little prissys, I pushed my way through everyone and back to where Zayn was.

"Where's Harry mate?" I asked

"He went upstairs, He's pissed as usual" I'm not surprised, I just hope he doesn't have a girl up there with him.

"Thanks mate, I'l go check on him" I grabbed my beer and went upstairs, I hated coming up here. Everyones basically fucking on the stairs. Harrys door was shut and just as i approached it i heard faint screams, No. Not this again. I remember last time. I can't let this happen again. Hes a good guy he just lets the alcohol get to him. 

I barged through his door and see Ally, Its fucking Ally. He was going to rape Ally. He could've ruined her entire life and i'm not letting that happen, She had blacked out and was lying their motionless, Half naked with Harry towering over her. I couldn't control my temper.

"What the fuck are you doing! The the fuck away form her" Harry's temper took over him and he grabbed me by the collar of my top.

"Don't tell me what to do Horan, Get the fuck out of here!"  He spat at me

"Move Hrary, get the fuck out of my way she doesn't deserve this" I spat back at him pushing him against the wall. I could've snapped his neck right there.

"I can fuck who i want and when i want and shes what i want right now she get the fuck out so i can fuck this prissy bitch" I lost it, I punched him right in the mouth, I punched him again going in for another punch but he was alreayd on the floor. He wasn't worth it, I just want Ally to be safe. I picked her up and took her to my truck. 


Ally's P.O.V

I woke up and my head was pounding, I looked around. This wasn't my room. I was about to scream but i saw the blonde kid standing the doorway. Niall, He looked so attractive in the morning. His eyes beaming. I don't know why i was so drawn to him. It was something about him, The way he smiled, Its like i could see through his tattoos and piercings, Like he was actually a good person. But who am i kidding, I'm not his type. He'd just end up using me. everyones warned me before. I don't remember anything from lastnight. My head started racing with thoughts

"W-we didn't did we?" I asked i'm so scared. I hope i didn't give him my virginity. I was drunk and wasn't thinking and-  


Thoughts from lastnight came rushing back. I felt uncomfrotable.

"No, no of course not, I'm don't take advantage of drunk girls. Especially not you" Ouch. That hurt.

"Oh" I said I looked down at my clothes. They weren't mine, Grey sweatpants and a loose white singlet, They smelt like Niall.

"Why am i here anyway" I said looking around his house. It wasn't what i expected. everything was in place and it was perfectly furnished.

"You were really drunk and you passed out, Spite almost getting raped Ally" He snaped

"Harry" I whispered under my breath slightly, I played with my hands in my lap

Wait, Niall saved me from getting raped. 

"I-i'm just going to go" I said grabbing the only thing i seemed to have with me, My phone. I had no idea where i was or what part of town this is. I don't know my way around California but i have to get out of there. He hates me. I walked out of the door and looked around the neighbourhood. It looked exactly like mine. Every single house looked the same. How the fuck am i going to get home. My mother is going to kill me. I checked my phone. 23 missed calls and 18 texts. Half of them from Abby and Sarah and the rest my mother. She's going to kill me when i get home, Well thats if i can find my way. I decided to ring Abby so she can pick me up. 

I walked down the street a little more,

"Hey abs, Yeah.. Can you pick me im on... yeah.... Thankyou" I hung up. Abby knew exactly where i was. She sounded realy concerned but didn't question me

It was freezing considering it was 9a.m and i had barely any clothes on just Nialls Singlet and Sweatpants, They smelt just like him. I was starting to really like him even though he doesnt even acknowledge my exsitance, Is that even possible? to like somone who won't even talk to you. I wish i knew why he'd avoid me, why he was so rude. Maybe thats just him. Abby finally got here

"Hey" I said getting in the car.

"Hey" she smirked looking down at my clothes

"Its not what it looks like, Just take me home" I snapped.

"What even happened to you lastnight" I thought back to lastnight, Harry pushing up against me, The way his words stung my brain. I couldn't get his voice out of my head. The way he called me 'Beautiful' makes me feel sick. How could he be so cruel. I thought he was a good person, Maybe everyone was wrong about him. But i guess they were right. I should've stayed away from him. I should never of gone to the party. The tears stung my eyes but i couldn't let Abby see me cry.

"I don't want to talk about it" I snapped. I'm being so rude to her but i couldn't help it. She wasn't almost raped lastnight. I kept thinking about Niall. Why did he save me? He could've just left me. Left Harry to do those things to me. But instead he saved me.

Saved me from something that could've possibly ruined my life forever. 

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