Chapter 19

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"She should move in" Wait what.

"Are you serious?"

"yeah, why not. She doesn't have anywhere else. Plus you can keep on imagining fucking her in that mind of yours" Liam said wiggling his eyebrows.

"How did you.. Wait I don't do that" Liam chuckled.

" The way you look at her man, Don't worry;She'll come round" Wise words from Liam Payne everybody.



I rumaged through the en-suite drawers. in the cabinets for something to hurt myself. Something to take the pain away from my heart; My vision was blurred slightly and I found a packet of razors. I broke open the razor pulling the small blades out.

I was crying harder at this time, I sat on the edge of the bath; I put the blade to my skin putting pressure on it so it cut into my skin. I watched the blood trickle down my wrist. It was somewhat pleasurable to feel the stinging pain in my wrist.
I did this multiple times, Multiple small cuts on my wrist. They were getting deeper and deeper.

They all went in different directions, fresh blood dripping into the bath, seeing that deep red colour.
I did another stroke with the blade without realising how much pressure I was actually putting onto the blade.
I was crying louder and the tears wouldn't stop flowing down my checks.
I felt somewhat dizzy and I decided to wash my arm under some water; So I took my clothes off and had a shower.

I ran the water and locked the en-suite door; My head was pounding from crying so hard and the lump in my throat wouldn't disappear. The warm water trickled down my body hitting the cuts and i whimpered in pain. Holding just above my wrist. I watched the blood disappear down the drain; it was never ending. It would stop bleeding. At this point I'd realised I'd cut way too deep this time.

I was feeling dizzier and dizzier from the lose of blood; I grabbed the rail in the shower to hold me up. my vision was getting blurry and thats when I blacked out.

I don't remember anything from then on.


It has been a few hours and Ally still hasn't come out of her room; I decided to just walk past to see if I can actually hear movement in there.
I heard the shower running so I figured she's just taking a shower and brushed it off and didn't bother going in to check on her.

I walked to my room and tried thinking of what I'm going to tell her about myself; as she'l be the first person I've told since Melody.
what the hell am I going to say.
Hi my names Niall Horan; I'm part of child protection services and if anyone finds out I told you I will be killed. Oh and also your dad wants to kill you. No.

I started to write in my journal since its the only way I could express my feelings and my thoughts. I wrote for about 40 mins straight trying to figure out if it was the best way to explain everything. I pulled on a pair of sweats and walked down the hall to get another beer.
I stopped as I heard the water still running in Allys room. She's either having a really long shower or trying to drown herself. Oh shit.

I let the negative thoughts flood my mind and opened her door revealing an empty room with things chucked everywhere.  I ran over to the bathroom door banging on it.

"Ally, Ally please open up" I yelled still banging on the door. I tried turning the door handle but it was no use she locked the door.
"Ally, fucking open the door" I heard nothing. Just the sound of running water. Something was definitely wrong.

Liam can running into the room Ava following from behind him. He pulled me away from the door and started banging it. He also tried to turn the handle but it didn't work obviously. I just stood back watching Liam.

"Get me that" He pointed to a table; I passed it to him and he chucked it at the door but it just shattered into pieces. Liam started barging at the door with his shoulder and he eventually broke the lock and ran in me following close behind him.

We pulled back the shower curtain to reveal Ally's lifeless body. I saw blood rushing down he drain and figured she has hit her head but then I looked down seeing the cuts. There was one massive cut. you could tell it was extremely deep by the dark blood coming out of it.

"Quick Ava, get a fucking towel" I said and she ran to the linen cupboard  passing me the towel. I didn't give a fuck that she was naked. She fucking hurt herself and I don't even known if she's still breathing.

We need to get her out of the shower quick and stitch up her wound. I turned off the shower and Liam pulled the towel around her and carried her out lying her onto the bed.

"Get her to a hospital" Ava said freaking out.

"No. Get the fucking first aid kit; I'll have to stitch this up myself" I was almost in tears seeing her like this.

Ava passed me the first aid kit and Liam cleaned up her cuts. I got a piece of thread and a needle and started stitching her wound up until it looked somewhat good.

I stuck a bandage around the rest of her cuts. The colouring was coming back in her face and she started coughing. She vomited a bit from all the extra water she had swallowed.

Her breathing was coming back to normal and tears were forming her eyes. She started sobbing; I wanted to hold her but i didn't know if she would want me too so I just stood around looking at her.

"i'm .. I'm so sorry" She sniffled.

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