Chapter 31

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"You're beautiful" Niall said kissing my neck; He spun me around and put his hands on my hips squeezing my sides. I pulled my arms around his neck and ran my hands through the back of his hair as his lips moved in perfect sync with mine.

He pulled away and I bit my lip; He still gave me butterflies even after two months.

"I want to take you some where" Niall said and leaned back on the kitchen Counter.


"Just on a drive around the hills; It doesn't seem that interesting but it helps me think" Niall pushed himself off the counter and walked into our room bringing out a jacket for me, I grabbed it from him and didn't bother replacing my slippers on my feet with my shoes.

We walked out of his house and down to his car sitting out front. I walked around sitting in the passenger seat as I sat down Niall rested his hand on my thigh; He always seemed to do it and every time he did it made my whole body shiver from his touch.

We drove for miles; It wasn't the direction of where the city was it was the opposite, It felt like we were driving for at least 2 hours when it had only been 1 hour.

Niall pulled over onto a patch of grass; There was barely anything here it was just basically grass and trees which were over grown and a few hills in the distance. Niall got out of the car and came around to my side of the car opening it for me, I got out and looked around.

"What exactly are we doing here?" I asked as Niall intertwined our fingers.

"We're going on a walk"

"Oh, So is this your way of murdering me and hiding my body in a deserted area?" I was actually praying this wasn't what he had in mind.

"Fuck" He said and let go of my hand "How did you guess that?" He had a cheeky smirk on his face making me hit him on the arm

"Babe, How far do we have to walk?" I said and pouted

"Just up there; I want to show you something"


"What are we looking at exactly?" I asked basically crawling up the uphill path we were walking along. It seemed like we had been walking for an eternity and apparently we're not even close to the top. I'm going to die me and physical activity don't mix well.

"You'll see" He puffed out, Niall was literally a couple meters ahead of me so I almost had to shout to talk to him; But we haven't talked that much up here anyway. "Honestly its not that interesting.. but I like it"

"oh" I didn't know what else to say; Our conversations start off ok then plummet back down to where we have nothing to speak about.

After at least 40 minutes of walking with a couple of stops which j could sense the annoyance from Nialls facial expressions and groan every time I complained about being tired. 

"What am I meant to be looking at?" I questioned as we reached the too and followed Niall over to the edge.

"This." He said and pointed out which was the city in the distant, It would be so beautiful at night to come up and look at the lights and forget about the world.

"Told you it wasn't that interesting.. But I come here to think" He scratched the back of his neck, He always did it when he was nervous or felt awkward. I've picked up on it so much even when I first met him he did it.

"Its.. Its nice up here, I like it"

"You don't like it; Come on we can go" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me

"No, no babe its really beautiful up here" I said and he stopped and came closer to me, I reached up and put my hands around his neck "Its really beautiful babe"

"Not as beautiful as you" He had a cheeky smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile, I looked down at his lips as he did mine and closed the gap between us. Our lips moving in sync as Niall's hands squeezed my hips. He pulled away kissing my forehead and intertwined our hands.

"You're so beautiful Ally, You really are" I felt my cheeks heat up. I couldn't keep the smile off my face and Niall giggled making me laugh also.

"You're so awkward" He spoke and I just kept on giggling.

"I know" He laughed at me and I honestly had no idea what I was laughing at anymore.

"Come on baby" we walked back down the hill which was so much easier that walking up, our hands were intertwined the whole time as we walked all the way back to the car.

We drove back to Niall's place not really speaking a word to each other. He asked me a few questions and kept asking if I was alright or if I was hungry and to be honest I was actually starving.

We pulled into Niall driveway and parked outside the front. I got out and walked up into the house I never knew why Niall never locked his door but it was probably because no one ever came this far out.

"Are you still hungry?" He asked and i nodded. He grabbed two bowls out and poured cereal into them both.

"Cereal? Where's the real food" I asked

"This is all we have; I didn't do the groceries" He said handing me my bowl I grabbed it a sat on the couch with my legs up on the coffee table. Niall came and sat down beside me and pulled my legs over his own.

"If you're still hungry after this; I could give you something to suck on" Niall winked at me making me giggled.

"You're so disgusting"

"I know you want me" He pulled my body down so I was bow laying in top of him my chin resting on his chest "I want you"

I kissed his lips and he slipped his tongue in making me moan, He sat up so I was now straddling him as his hands squeezed my hips, I could feel his bulge growing through his jeans; he kissed down my neck and sucked on my soft spot and I knew it would leave a mark by the stinging pain when he removed his lips. He flipped me over so I was now underneath him, He kissed my lips again. I began fiddling with his belt buckle but Niall got frustrated with me taking so long and in did it himself.

"I fucking hate you.…You know" Niall spoke in between. kisses


"Yes" He said "Because.. You drive me absolutely crazy; I'm so in love with you.. I love you"

"You what?" I push Niall off of me and he looks into my eyes a flash of hurt across his eyes.

"Uh... Just forget it" He scratched the back of his neck. I knew exactly what I had heard i just wanted to hear him say it again; So i could believe those words coming out of his mouth.

"Say it again" I said and at up properly "Tell me you love me again"

Niall ran his hands through his hair "Say I Niall.. Please"

"I love you, Ally" I pulled his face closer to mine and attach our lips once again "I love you so fucking much"

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