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YEAR: 1960

"Hey George," I whispered as we laid in bed.
"Never mind..."
"Oh come on Jojo, don't do that to me," he chuckled.
"No, it's stupid," I mumbled.
"Come on, ye know ye can tell me anything," he kissed the back of my head. "What's wrong?"
"I-I...fuck!" I yelled. "I can't say it," I cried.
"Calm down," he cooed. "Look at me," he whispered as he released me from his grip.
"No, I can't look at ye,"
"Why not?"
"Cause I don't wanna see yer face when I tell ye,"
"Tell me what?"
"Ugh! I don't know anymore," I cried.
"I'm gonna let ye be for a minute. I'll be right back," he sighed.

George's POV•

I slowly got out of bed and put my pajamas back on, then quickly left Jojo alone so she could calm down. I headed for the bathroom but my sister, Louise pulled me into her room.

"What?" I whispered.
"What? Are ye serious? What the fuck do ye think yer doing?"
"Spending time with Jojo,"
"Yer spending time alright. Yer 17!"
"Yer point is?"
"The point is, yer too young!"
"Deal with it, it's done,"
"Did she wanna do it?"
"She was the one who started it,"
"That doesn't answer my question George,"
"I-I dunno..."
"Ye know how she is George,"
"I know...wow Louise, thanks for making me feel really shitty,"
"Sorry Georgie," she pat my arm and smiled. "So why are ye out here?"
"Well, I'm letting her calm down,"
"Why? What happened?"
"She was gonna tell me something, then she got upset and I just decided to step out for a minute," I sighed. "And I had to get something,"
"What do ye need to get?"
"Do ye know where mum keeps her engagement ring?"
"Oh, no George! Yer only 17!"
"So, am I just too young for everything then?"
"Shagging a girl is one thing, but asking her to marry ye is-"
"Is what?"
"Are yer age, just fucking stupid," she spat. "Look George, yer my brother, I love you and I'm just looking out for ye,"
"I appreciate that Louise but I'm leaving for Germany in less than two days and I'm most likely not coming back for a while...I just want a way to show her that I love her and that I won't forget about her..."
"Fuck you and yer cute relationship," she sighed. "The ring is in a little blue box...it's in the top drawer of her jewelry box...ye couldn't miss it,"
"Thanks Louise," I smiled as I hugged her. "Yer the best,"
"I know...good luck,"

•Johanna's POV•

Once George left the room, I sat up and started taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I slid out of bed and walked over to George's dresser so I could grab a pair of pajamas to sleep in. After a few minutes, I started pacing the room, anxious for him to return. About ten minutes later, I heard the door knob turn; I faced the door and held my breath.

Here we go...

"Hey Jo-"
"Will you marry me?" I whispered.
"Please don't make me say it again..."
"Is that what ye were so anxious about?" he chuckled.
"It's not funny," I pouted. "Just answer the question..."
"Yes," he smiled as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Here," he kissed my cheek as he handed me a little blue box. "I was kinda gonna ask ye the same thing...oh, um," he cleared his throat and got down on one knee. "Will ye-"
"Yes you idiot," I chuckled as he slid the ring onto my finger. "Oh my god," I started to cry.
"What's wrong?"
"We're getting married."


"Morning Harrison," Paul mumbled as he tuned his bass.
"Morning," he smiled.
"Oh my god," John yelled. "Ye fucked someone!"
"What? Did not,"
"Oh my god! Who was it!"
"Who the fuck do ye think?"
"I dunno, that's why I'm asking,"
"Johanna, ye twat!"
"Yes! Fuck off!"
"I feel like more happened," Paul raised a brow.
"What? No, nothing else happened,"
"Oh, yer such a bad liar!" John cackled. "Come on, what happened?"
"Morning boys," I smiled as I brought in coffee for everyone.
"Morning Jo," they simultaneously said; they all took a coffee cup and smiled at me sheepishly.
"George...why are they staring at me?"
"We heard ye had some fun last night," John smirked.
"George, ye told them!"
"I didn't tell them anything!"
"Whatever, I need to talk to ye, in private,"
"Ooo, someone's in trouble," John teased.
"Oh, suck a cock," George yelled. I rolled my eyes and started walking out if the room with George a few steps back. "What's up?"
"I picked these up today," I smiled.
"What are they?" he asked as he unfolded the papers. "Marriage license? Why would ye pick this up?"
"Well...I wanted to get married before ye left..." I blushed.
"Hey Harrison, what are these," Pete taunted as he grabbed the papers out of George's hands. "Marriage license! What the fuck is this for!"
"Something else did happen!" Paul exclaimed.
"Okay, yes! We're engaged, big fucking deal!" George yelled.
"Well, actually, it kinda is," they laughed.
"When's the big day?" John teased.
"I was hoping before ye leave but," I looked to George and sighed, "that's not gonna happen,"
"No," Paul budded in. "We can do this. John, sorry mate, but we're postponing our trip,"
"Fuck you McCartney,"
"Okay, Jo, we're gonna buy ye some rings. They're not gonna be nice, but they're gonna be rings,"
"Mum still had her wedding dress before she died...it should fit ye like a glove," John whispered. "And Mimi has a really nice garden...I'm sure she'd be willing to make ye a bouquet,"
"Guys," I chuckled. "This is all very nice but, I was just hoping to have a nice, simple, quick wedding in a court house,"
"That's fine, ye do whatever ye want but, we're still doing this for ye," Paul smiled.
"Thanks mate," George whispered as he kissed my head.
"Wait," Pete intruded, "so when are we going to Hamburg?"
"I dunno, Jo, how soon can ye get yer papers?"
"Wait, what?"
"Well, I don't think George would want to leave his lovely bride behind. So, how soon can ye get yer papers?"
"Wait...Paul, I appreciate the offer but, I can't just up and leave..."
"Why not?" George whispered.
"Well...I uh, I got excepted to Manchester..."
"That's wonderful!" he cheered as he spun me around. "But...I'm not gonna see ye for two years..."
"I'll come visit...I swear,"
"Now we gotta get ye guys married," Paul chuckled. "Okay people, there is a lot to get done and not a lot of time. Let's go!"

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