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YEAR: 1967

~Johanna's POV ~

Help. I think I'm going to die. Somebody, save me, please. Someone-

"Mrs. Harrison! Breathe!"
"I-I," I froze.

My babies...

I flung up in bed and immediately wrapped my arms around my now semi skinny waist. I let out a piercing cry as I gripped my stomach and let years run down my face.

"Jojo," George said. "Calm down,"
"G-George," I stamered. "I-I lost the-"
"Ye didn't lose anything," he smiled. "Well...ye lost something,"
"What?" I whispered. "I-I miscarried, George. I don't understand..."
"Ye only miscarried one..."
"What are ye saying?"
"We had a son Jojo...a beautiful baby boy," he smiled as he wiped my tears away.
"Are ye joking?" I gasped. "C-Can I see him?"
"He's in a incubator for a few months darling,"
"That doesn't answer my question George," I chuckled.
"Yeah, of course ye can see him. Ye need to feed him y'know,"
"Oh yeah..." I smiled. "Oh my god," I clasped my hands over my mouth and cried tears of joy.
"What are we gonna name him?" he asked as he sat in my bed.
"I wanna name him after the boy we met in the orphanage,"
"I have an idea," he smirked.
"What's the idea?"
"Well, the first two notes of a concert scale in India are dha and ni. Well, how, why don't we combine them to make Danny, just spelt a little differently,"
"So, Dhani?"
"I love it," I smiled as I kissed him.
"Middle name?" he asked.
"Let's not give him one..."
"Why not?"
"I don't have one," I shrugged.
"Well dear, that's because ye had awful parents,"
"Well yes, but, I never saw the need for a middle name,"
"If ye don't wanna give him a middle name, we don't have to give him a middle name,"
"Yeah," he shrugged.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Harrison,"
"Someone's here to see ye,"
"What's their name?"
"They didn't say,"
"Should we let them in?" George asked.
"I guess...it could be one of yer mates not trying to be caught by the press,"
"True...send them in," George said.
"Alright, right this way,"
"Ta," the woman said. "Hello Johanna,"
"Get out," George warned.
"Excuse you Mr. Harrison, that is no way to talk to your mother-in-law,"
"Get out..." He said, blocking her from my bed.
"I just want to talk,"
"She can hear ye just fine from over here,"
"Get out of my way Harrison," she gritted her teeth.
"Just say yer piece and be on yer way,"
"Fine," she sighed. "Johanna, I want to apologize for what yer father did,"
"Do ye really think an apology is enough? He stabbed me!"
"No, he slit your stomach," she rolled her eyes.
"Are ye really gonna defend him! He nearly killed me!"
"I was in a coma for...George, how long was I out?"
"Just about three days,"
"Why were ye in a coma?"
"From blood loss ye arrogant bitch!"
"Is that anyway to talk to yer m-"
"Yer no mother!" I cried. "You can go fuck yourself Eleanor Todd!"
"Yer going to regret these things Johanna Harrison,"
"What? Are ye gonna come after her?" George angrily said.
"You'll see," she said as she walked out.
"Oh my god..." I whispered.
"She's going after Dhani..." I cried. "Can she get to him?"
"No, thankfully. There's always a doctor or nurse on duty in the pre-me ward. He's gonna be fine,"
"Can ye please go check on him?"
"If it'll make ye feel better, sure,"

Once George left, I laid back in bed and waited for him to return. A few minutes passed before I heard the door open; low and behold, it was Eleanor.

"Hi darling," she said as she took a seat on my bed.
"Get out, I don't wanna talk to you,"
"Ye put yer father in jail y'know,"
"He put me in the hospital y'know! Oh, and killed one of my children!"
"Oh please, you know damn well that if he didn't do what he did, ye would've lost them both!"
"You know nothing!"
"He's a beautiful baby,"
"How would you know?"
"I went to the pathetic little ward and saw him. Absolutely beautiful, but, does George know ye cheated on him?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well, ye originally had twins...for someone who's infertile, somehow getting pregnant with twins, from one man, is highly unlikely,"
"Well, it happened..."
"I bet it was the McCartney boy's,"
"Do ye really think I'd cheat on George?"
"No, but the press will,"
"You wouldn't..."
"Oh, but I would," she said. "Watch yer back Harrison," she flashed me a smiled and walked out.

Once the door closed, I picked up the flower vase, on the table next to me, and threw it at the door. A loud clash echoed through out the room as the crystal vase shattered into a million pieces.

"Hey, Jojo, he's- whoa!" he said as he slipped on the water and glass. "What happened?"
"My mum came back," I cried. "When she left, I got mad and threw the vase,"
"Jojo, ye can't let her control ye,"
"I know...it's hard George..."
"I know darling," he sighed as he hugged me. "By the way, do ye think ye can stand?"
"Dhani's hungry and they said that the formula isn't working out so well,"
"Can ye at least get me a wheelchair or something?"
"Yes, of course. I'll be right back,"
"Okay," I sighed.

I sat in my bed alone, again, and started playing with my mismatch rings, awaiting George's return.

"Here love," he smiled. "I'll help ye, come on,"
"Ta," I said. I sat down in the chair and let George wheel my down the halls until we got to the pre-me ward.
"May I help ye?" A nurse asked. "Oh! Hi Mrs. Harrison. I presume yer here to see yer son?"
"Right this way," she smiled. "Just sit in the chair and we'll get him for ye. Now, we should warn ye, he is hooked up to a lot of wires. Please be careful and do yer best to avoid them. Okay?"
"Okay..." I said as I sat in the chair.
"Here he is," she mumbled.

I started at the tiny baby, half asleep baby, laying in my arms and nearly burst into tears.

He's my baby...

"Now, Mrs. Harrison," the nurse said, breaking my focus from Dhani.
"I know this is yer first child...do ye know what to do?"
"Yes, thank you," I smiled as I started feeding him.
"Alright, George, come find me when ye guys are done,"
"Will do," he said. "So?"
"He's so beautiful," I whispered as tears dripped down my face. "He looks like you," I smiled.
"Really? I think he looks more like you,"
"Now why do ye say that?"
"Cause he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,"
"Shut up," I chuckled. "We did it," I whispered.
"Yeah," he kissed my forehead. "We did."

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