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YEAR: 1963

"George, honey, can ye come here for a moment?"
"What's up?" he asked, walking into the kitchen.
"I'm gonna run to the store for a few things. Do ye need anything?"
"No, I don't think so,"
"Alright, suit yourself," I shrugged. "I'll be back soon."

I grabbed my keys off the counter and walked downstairs to me car. When I opened the front door to the apartment building, I was confronted by a few girls.

"Hi," they said.
"Hello," I smiled.
"Does George Harrison live here?" a girl swooned.
"Isn't he a Beatle?"
"Oh," I chuckled. "Did ye see him at the cavern?"
"No? Then why are ye looking for him?"
"Because he's a Beatle!"
"Okay..." I said, raising a brow. "Well, have a nice day girls,"
"Does George Harrison live here?"
"No," I lied. "Have a nice day," I waved.

I slowly walked to my car and started questioning why those girls were looking for George. I turned my car on and started flipping through static on the radio, until I heard a familiar voice.

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please,
Love me do

"Oh my god," I whispered. "That's Paul...that's the boys! Oh my god!" I yelled, rushing out of the car. I ran past the girls, crowding outside the building, and sprinted upstairs to our apartment.
"Jojo, what are you-"
"I'm so proud of ye George!" I cheered, giving him a hug.
"What?" he chuckled.
"I just heard yer new album on the radio!"
"Yes!" I beamed. "Oh, by the way, there's a crowd of girls waiting for ye downstairs,"
"Really? Why?"
"Cause they want to meet ye,"
"Yes," I whispered, giving him a quick kiss. "I am so, proud of you,"
"Thanks Jojo," he smiled. "Should I go meet them?"
"If ye want," I chuckled.
"Okay...I'm gonna go meet them...I'll be back,"
"Okay," I smiled. I pat his back as he walked out of the apartment to meet the girls. As soon as the door shut behind him, the phone started ringing. "Hello?"
"We did it!"
"John?" I laughed.
"Oh, hi Jo. Where's George?"
"Not home at the moment. How can I help ye?"
"Just wanted to express my enthusiasm, that's all love,"
"Congrats Johnny Boy,"
"So, how's the married life treating ye?"
"Fine, I suppose. You?"
"Can't complain. How's Cyn?"
"John," I chuckled. "That's rude,"
"Oh calm down, she can't hear me,"
"It's still impolite...when is she due?"
"Next month,"
"Wow, really?"
"Oh shut up...so, Jo, are ye gonna keep yer promise?"
"Who do ye mean?"
"Ye said that ye were gonna try to have kids when we got famous,"
"Oh, John, I was kidding..."
"Of course! I'm only twenty! I'm not having a kid!"
"Even if George is bringing in a nice amount of money?"
"Yes, even if we become rich. George will always be gone, either at the studio or on tour,"
"Brian hasn't told us we're going on tour,"
"Oh please John, yer albums been out for a week and there's already a crowd of girls camped outside my house! Ye guys are gonna be extremely successful...yer gonna go on tour...I just know it. And if I have a baby well then...I'll be alone..."
"You'll have Cyn,"
"It's not the same thing John," I gritted my teeth. "Please don't tell George," I sighed.
"Tell me what?" George whispered.
"I'll call ye later, John," I whispered, hanging up the phone.
"Tell me what?"
"Nothing George,"
"Tell me Jojo..."
"It's nothing," I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Really..." I lied.
"Alright," he raised a brow, "if ye say so,"
"So what did the girls want?"
"A few autographs," he said. "Why did John call?"
"Wanted to brag about getting on the radio," I said. "And um, he reminded me of our deal...y'know the one we made about having kids,"
"Oh yeah, I completely forgot,"


"Why don't we, y'know, start on that deal?" he smirked, leaning in for a kiss. Then, the phone rang.
"I got it," I said, quickly pulling away. "Hello?"
"Hi Jo,"
"Hey Cyn. What's up?"
"Did John tell ye?"
"Tell me what?"
"Guess not," she sighed. "We're hosting a dinner party tonight to celebrate the boys,"
"We'll be there,"
"Great! See ye then! Te-ta!"
"Bye," I chuckled. "We're having dinner at John's at six,"
"Alright," he smiled. "So, where were we?"

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