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YEAR: 1966

"George! Breakfast!"
"I'm coming!" he yelled. "What do we have today?"
"Just eggs?"
"They're scrambled with some hash...what's the problem?"
"No, it's just weird..."
"I can make some toast," I chuckled. "What is up with you?" I asked.
"Nothing," he smiled.
"Why don't I believe ye?"
"Cause ye shouldn't," he said. "Okay, do ye really wanna know?"
"Well, I'm taking ye to get yer birthday present,"
"My birthday was two months ago," I raised a brow. "Georgie, what are ye really doing?"
"I just told ye,"
"God, yer so stupid," I laughed.


"Where are ye taking me?" I asked.
"You'll see. Watch yer step,"

George had blindfolded me and taken me to god knows where. We've been driving for what seems like forever; I don't think we're in London anymore. After hours of driving, he finally pulled up to some building and led me out of the car.

"Come on,"
"Can I take the blindfold off yet?"
"No, not yet,"
"My god," I sighed.
"We're gonna walk up some stairs. Ready?"
"Let's go,"
"I hate you," I joked.

We led me up the never ending staircase before leading me into a room.

"For what?"
"On the count of three, take your blindfold off." He removed his hand from my waist and my hands latched onto the sides of the fabric resting on my face. "One...two...three..." I ripped the blindfold off only to be greeted with a beautiful sight; children.
"Oh my god," I cried. "Why are we here?"
"Well, I started thinking...we want kids...you can't have them, so, I thought we could check out some children. Y'know to adopt..."
"Yer too good to me," I whispered.
"Hello," a lady greeted.
"Hi," we said.
"Welcome to our home. Now, today, would ye like to look at the boys or the girls?"
"Girls," I smiled.
"Right this way," she said. "What ideal age were ye looking for?"
"Anywhere from newborn to three," I shrugged.
"Well, we're closer to the toddlers. Why don't we check them out first. Alright?"
"Alright," I mumbled.
"Girls!" The lady snapped. "We have guests! Stand up straight and-"
"What are ye doing?" I asked.
"Presenting them to ye,"
"There's no need for that. We just want to see them as their natural selves,"
"Suit yourself," she said.

We began walking around the room and talking to a few kids although, they could barely for sentences.

"Do ye have an interest for any?" The lady asked.
"I don't wanna say no, but-"
"It's quite alright. Parents come in and say no all the time. Come on, I'll show ye the infants,"
"Actually," I said. "May we see the boys?"
"Of course,"

She led us out of the room and headed for the boys corridor. On out way to the boys play room, we passed a young boy all alone in a room; he appeared to be hooked up to some machines.

"Excuse me..."
"May we talk to that boy?" I asked.
"No, no. Ye don't want him,"
"Oh? And why not?"
"Poor thing has some type of illness. He'll be dead before the paperwork goes through,"
"Oh my..."
"He can still talk, can't he?" George asked.
"So, can we talk to him?"
"I guess," she sighed. "Come and find me when yer done,"

George and I slowly walked into the room and greeted to I'll boy.

"Hello," we smiled.
"Hi," he whispered.
"What's yer name?" I asked.
"Daniel, but everyone here calls me Danny..."
"Well, it's nice to meet ye Danny. I'm Johanna, and this is my husband-"
"George Harrison..." he gawked. "I'm a huge Beatle fan," he blushed.
"Really?" George smiled.
"Can I um...can you sign my Please Please Me record...please?"
"Oh, yeah, of course! Where is it?"
"All my records are under my bed,"
"Why?" I asked as George started searching for the record.
"I have to keep them hidden from the other kids...they aren't allowed to have things like this,"
"What make you so special?" I teased.
"Cause I'm gonna die soon," he bluntly said.
"Found it!" George said. He stood up from the ground and quickly signed his name on the album. "Here ye are," he smiled.
"Thank you!" he cheered. George started leaning in for a hug but Danny quickly shooed him away. "Don't hug me! I'm contagious!"
"Danny...what exactly do ye have?"
"Oh my god," I gasped as I stood up from the bed. "We um...we need to go..."
"I understand," he mumbled. "Thanks for actually coming in and talking to me...no ones done that in years...it means a lot..."
"It was no trouble," I shakily said. "Bye Danny," I whispered as I headed for the door.
"Bye," he said.
"I wanna go," I murmered as we left the room.
"Don't ye wanna stay and look at some more kids?"
"No...I wanna go home..."
"Cause George...I wanna try one more time,"
"Why not?"
"Because I said so Jojo,"
"That's no reason! Why don't ye wanna try one more time?"
"Because I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt again!"
"What do ye mean?"
"Jojo...we already know how this tale will end. You'll get pregnant, stay pregnant for a few months, then have a brutal miscarriage and fall into a depression for a few months. We are not trying again!"
"Well, what if I want to try one more time, George! Please...I wanna do this..."
"Fine," he sighed. "One more time-"
"Oh, thank ye Georgie!"
"But! Ye have to promise that this is the last time we try,"
"Yes, yes I promise," I kissed him. "This is the time...I know it."

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