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Well since I can only go out when Zoey is with me, I decided to go to the doctors to see who's baby it was. I decided to keep the baby. Zoey said she'd help me out but I had to get a job very soon so I could pay for baby stuff. I mean there's not much I can do now that I'm pregnant. But Zoey suggested home baby sitting, so I would get used to taking care of a child/baby. I was in the doctors office when they put this warm gel on my stomach for the ultrasound. It was a baby girl. They took tests and told me that my ex boyfriend Logan is the father. After that, me and Zoey went home.
"You know you have to tell him right." Zoey lectured.
"Why should I? He wouldn't care anyway." I responded.
"It doesn't matter weather he would care or not, he has the right to know he you're pregnant with his kid and you're going to keep it. Either you tell him or I will." She scolded.
"Ok fine." I said annoyed.
I dialed his number.
"What do you want Megan? I thought I broke up with you." Logan said.
"You did. But I have to tell you something." I replied nervously.
"What?" He said.
"I'm...um....I'm pregnant. With your baby."
"What?! How? It can't be mine!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry but it is. I haven't even slept with anyone else." I lied.
He hung up the phone quickly. I looked over at Zoey and started crying. I told her what he said. After I calmed down I sent him a picture of my pregnant belly and the ultrasound. I heard a phone go off and I immediately check to see if it was mine, but it was Zoey's. She looked over at me and said that Noah invited her to his parents ball. She asked if I would like to go. I accepted quickly, looking forward to finally getting out and having some fun. Later that night we went shopping for dresses and shoes. After we got home from the mall we were both too tired to cook dinner so we ordered Chinese food and rented a movie. I fell asleep on the couch durning the movie and Zoey put a blanket over me before she went to sleep so I wasn't cold during the night.

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