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Dear journal.
     Well last night was a success! Noah's parents loved me, and they loved my dress. Noah was so happy when his parents told him that liked me. I was happy too. Me and Noah are actually getting kind of serious. But Megan told me Logan called her at the ball. To be honest...I think they should get back together. I think that maybe all he needed was to hear he was having a baby for him to grow up. Maybe he'll actually mature enough to help Megan take care of their little girl. I mean Megan is pretty big, in 2-3 months she should have her baby. Noah invited me out to lunch with him to celebrate the fact that his parents like me. We are gonna eat at a restaurant by the beach. Its a beautiful day out. The sun is out and its about 75° or 80° but there was a slight breeze so it was perfect outside.

       After I got dressed Noah came to pick me up for lunch. All through out lunch he was telling me about what his parents said about me after the ball. They said all good things. They really like me. At that moment I heard my phone ring.
"I'm sorry, I thought I put it on silent. Besides, its just Megan." I explained.
"Well she knows you're out with me, she wouldn't interrupt without a good reason. Answer it make sure she's ok." He replied.
I picked up the phone and heard her breathing and crying.
"Hello? Megan? Are you ok?" I asked nervously.
"Yes. I'm perfect." She sounded like she was crying, but not sad tears, happy ones.
"Then why are you crying? What happened?" I asked.
"Logan....he...he...he proposed! And you're gonna be my maid of honor!" She squealed.
"Oh my god Megan, congratulations! I'll be home after lunch and we can talk all about it. But I have to go, ok?"
"Yeah, I'll see you soon. Bye." I hung up and continued eating my lunch. I told Noah about the engagement, he was so happy for her and told me to say congrats for him. After lunch I went home and me and Megan started planing because she wanted to have to wedding before the baby was born. I didn't think that was a good idea because of her belly but she's the bride not me. We have to plan a whole years worth of things in 4 months. Great. This is gonna be more stressful then moving. Well at least she'll be happy and she is getting everything she needs, wants and deserves. I can't wait to see her in her wedding dress finally getting married. I'm so proud of her.

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