Chapter 3: Break Your Heart

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Alright mate , lets talk about break ups
Break ups are really hard , I've experienced a lot of them , trust me.

Sure you can call me a fuckboy cause what I'm going to tell you is all true and from my perspective. So you know those break ups that hurt so deep down that just makes you cry everyday. And waking up everymorning just to realize that the person you loved for the longest is just GONE like just completely GONE.

So here's a story , based on a true life events from me and the names used are not the actual names.

So it was a beautiful saturday and i was at this even thing that my church does every year , so this year I decided to actually go yeah wow Cristian goes to CHURCH okay enough. So yeah that day I decided to talk to my friend Mike.

Mike and me where like good friends not the best but good , So my friend was like hey you should meet my good friend Dianna , me and Dianna has the same friends and for some fucking reason we didn't know each other , crazy huh? yeah but in that day I met the Love Of My Life .. Well that's what I thought . So me and Dianna became the best of friends! like we would talk day and night non stop , she was perfect everything I have ever wanted .

About one or two months we started to have feelings for each other we both knew we did , I was I guess you can say a pussy and not want to ask her out. After that another month passed and we Did it Finally! it was on the 10/24/15.

We were the , Beating all of out friends relationship every day 37th her seemed like a dream! She was my Princess and I was her Prince... excuse me , but um yeah months after I'd say around 6 months I have decided to buy her a RING yeah a ring! you probably know what kind of ring I'm talking about the "My Princess Ring"-Pandora , so yeah that ring I gave it to her as a promise ring that we would stay Forever &' Always .

So now here comes everyone's nightmare at this point in a relationship , so one night I guess I got Dianna mad so mad that she did the worst thing that could ever happen , so here's what happened so we had another Event in our church at the same Hotel , the exact one that we met in that day we were talking in this hallway where we always go to , and her phone was there and she was texting I got a bit annoyed , so as me I just took her phone but I was playing alright , So I looked at her phone and there was a chat open and what it read was just horrible .

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