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The Wheel - PJ Harvey

Too Soon - DMA'S

Future - Tigress

The rock was back in my hand, my head resting on the wall behind me as I slumped down in my seat. The only place I knew to look for Finn, and he wasn't there. By now, of course, he would most definitely be dead. My best friend, the one person I would trade any amount of lives for, was dead because I wasn't fast enough, because I wasn't smart enough to figure out where he could be. 

My fingers weren't curled around the rock. It was resting in my palm, my hand limp and not moving. I knew I was wide open for attack, but at this point I barely cared. I was bruised almost beyond recognition, most if not all of my friends will be dead soon, and Finn was already dead. My lip quivered and suddenly there was a wetness behind my eyes. I rolled my head back to look at the ceiling, pressing my lips together in a thin line as my chin shook, refusing to cry. It was pathetic, but I wasn't about to start sobbing my heart out in the middle of a grounder base, because the people I cared about were getting murdered. The whole reason this was happening was because I wasn't 'grounder' enough. I hadn't gotten their training, their ability to stay void of pain and emotion, their abilities to battle fifteen men at a time and not break a sweat. I was the one training myself. If maybe I hadn't been so soft when I was younger, I would be stronger. Strong enough to do something about what was happening. 

Tears slipped out from under my eyelids, the warm liquid trickling down my cheeks. I opened my eyes to glare at the ceiling again, and my vision was blurry, blocked and warped by the water in my eyes. Painfully, I lifted my arm up to wipe away the tears. I gasped in pain as I made to pull myself up, my feet wobbling as I gained my balance. Pushing myself up, I stumbled through the halls with a new feeling of determination. I wasn't a trained grounder. But I didn't have to be. I could still do something. I was taking as many grounders with me as I could. If I went down, so did everyone else in this hellhole. 

Most rooms were empty, but one of the rooms up ahead I could hear noises in; two people talking rapidly. I almost felt like I recognized the voices, but I didn't have time to process that as both of them turned the corner into the hallway, surprising me. I raised my arm, aiming for the huge one with the mask, before he caught my arm and pushed my into the wall. I gasped, my eyes almost bugging out of my head as I curled over from the pain, clenching my teeth to keep from crying out. Backing up against the wall, I let my head drop back as I waited. I hadn't been as strong as I had hoped, but like I had told Clarke- at least I wasn't about to die a coward.

At least, that's what I thought until I heard his voice. "Oh my god, Wes?" I snapped back up and my eyes shot open, leaving me to stare at Finn Collins, alive and hardly injured. 

"Oh my god," I choked, stumbling forwards into his arms, not wasting a second as I wrapped him in a huge hug. His arms went around my torso, being careful not to injure me further as he hugged back. "I thought they killed you," I sniffled, pressing my mouth into his shoulder.

Leaning into me, Finn nodded rapidly, and I felt something warm land on my exposed collarbone. "I thought they killed you," he chuckled, sucking in a huge breath the I felt on my neck. Pulling apart, I watched him scan my body in concern. "I guess I wasn't that far off."

I shrugged, ignoring the pain in my shoulder when I did so. "It was just torture," I winced, trying to put it off like it was no big deal. "Nothing I couldn't handle. Nothing I haven't been through before."

Finn gave me a look. "This is worse than what Bellamy gave you," he pointed out, as if I didn't already know that.

"Finn, I'm fine," I assured him, before I glanced up at the huge grounder at his side, standing there quite awkwardly as we reunited. "Who's your friend?" I asked.

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