So Screwed

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"I don't know about the others," Mark grinned lifting up a glass, "But I'm proud of you Jack."

Bob elbowed Mark before lifting up his own glass, this one actually filled of a content that could get you drunk. "Jack, we're all proud of you, twelve million, damn."

"I know right," Jack lifted up his own beer, "I owe it to you guys. You're all my booper doopers!"

"Especially me!" Wade chimed in, swinging an arm around Jack's shoulders, "I'm your favorite booper dooper, right?"

"Of course not Wade," Jack chuckled, a drunken smile on his face.

"To Jack!" Bob cheered.

"To Jack!" Wade and Mark followed and Jack beamed at them in appreciation. The four all clanked their glasses and drank, the cold liquid chasing down their throats.

Mark sipped his dr. Pepper, watching as the rest of his buddies got buzzed and light headed. He kept his eyes on Jack, most of all though. There was something about him that made Mark worry much more than he wanted to.They were best friends, which was probably why he felt so protective of him.

A tall blonde stalked up to Jack, a sultry look upon her face as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Mark's eyes narrowed at her, untrusting of her advances already.

"Hey there, what's the occasion?" She purred, Jack looked up shocked. Then he turned to look at Bob and Wade, a large grin taking form on his face. Lastly, his gaze met Mark, and automatically his smile fell. He shifted uncomfortable under Mark's stare before looking back up to the girl, the excitement gone from his eyes.

"..just a thing." He shrugged, then peeked back over to Mark who had focused his angry glare onto the girl. She seemed unaffected because she then reached over and lifted Jack's face with two fingers.

"Oh I highly doubt that, not the way you're celebrating." Her tongue poked out to lick her bottom lips slowly, Jack watched intensely as she did so. "You look like you want to have a good time."

Mark's leg was shaking violently under the table, his fists clenched together besides him. The anger coursed through him like wild fire. Every Time she lowered her face to whisper in Jack's ear, another part of Mark wanted to leap forward and rip her off of him.

He tried to look away, but his eyes were glued to the scene. Mark stalked her every sadistic move. She stroked Jack's chin, she laughed and bit her lip, she flipped her hair over to one side so that her neck was visible. Everything she did bothered Mark, especially when she pulled up a chair besides Jack and laid a hand on his thigh.

Jack was on his fourth beer by now, barely noticing the amount he had already consumed, and he was completely wrapped up in this girl. Her hand was caressing Jack's thigh and her lips attacked his neck mercilessly. It all drove Mark to the edge.

Bob laughed senselessly as Jack turned from the girl to gulp down more alcohol. His hair was a mess from the girl running her hands through it, but Jack seemed to be having the time of his life. He was smiling and laughing and taking stupid selfies that normally Mark would want to steal and put up on Twitter. But now, he just wanted to leave.

She was annoying him, everything she did beckoned to Jack in a way that Mark couldn't understand. In fact, it made him furious.

"Can I get you another drink, Jackaboy..?" The way she slurred his nickname made Mark's blood boil. Everything about her made him want to get up, snatch Jack from her filthy hands, and go home. What was she doing in a bar like this anyways? She couldn't be good, there's no way, not in the bar at 3 in the morning. Not with that smirk and red lips. That's not what a nice girl looks like.

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