NOT AN UPDATE- I was tagged in a thing

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Thanks septiplier_sapphire (I love that smol bean, check her out)

Okay so I was tagged in a question thing and instead of updating like I should, Imma do this instead soooo LETS DO THIS SHIT

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Ooooo hard one, well I wanna say Ireland but rain fucks me shit up because curly hair and all so I'm gonna go with Cali. (HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT MARK LIVES THERE BUT I MEAN BONUS)

What's your favorite video game character?

I hate you for this, but okay let me think. THERE ARE SO MANY HOW DO YOU JUST PICK ONE????? Okay uhm Chloe from Life Is Strange because she's a straight up bad ass and I dig it.

Who's your preferred alter ego, Dark or Anti? Why?

Oh wtf why? Why must I choose? Okay so I really like Dark because he's all douchey and totally has the hots for Anti, but he's so like...nonchalant about it and idk I like it. BUT out of the two I'm gonna have to go with Anti because I like to see a completely different side of Jack. Like, Anti is sarcastic and just  a general asshole and I feel that. Also, I've always liked Jack more even though I seem to write from Mark's third person view a lot more. Idk don't judge me, SHUT UP. So yeah, Anti <3

Indoors or outdoors?

I mean as long as there's wifi I don't really care lol. Personally I like the outdoors, the peace and serenity it provides just fills me with (determination) happiness. So yeah, I like indoors because no bugs or crazy weather shit but if it's sunny and gorgeous outside, I'll go out and write in the sun. :)

Tiny Box Tim or SamSepticeye?

SAM SAM SAM SAM TO THE MAX BABY. Don't get me wrong, I love Tim...but..Sam has a special place in my heart. Awww little Sammy <3333

What's your dream car?

Ha, I failed my drivers test. ANYWHO I'm not sure, the other day though I went over my friend's place and got to sit in her dad's Maserati, and lemme tell ya, that's a noice car. I wouldn't mind owning one of those babies. (That last sentence sounds horrific by itself. I do not want to own any babies).

Greatest/Worst fear?

Not finding my purpose in life.

Wow, that took a turn for the depressing. MOVING ON

What Villain would you want to capture you? Why?

Villain eh? Can I be a sneaky sneak and choose Darkiplier? OO OO OR WARFSTACHE??? 

If we all remember back to babyplier times, there were sketches with Warfstache murdering and stealing. So yeah.

Warfstache is my villain, fight me scrub lord!

And why? Idk I have like a weird obsession with Wilfred, I thinks he's funny and I love the original Warfstache bit because that was a big thing for young Markimoo. 

And plus it's in a way still Mark so hells yeah I want Warfstache to capture me!

But okay those are all the questions in the tag, thank you septiplier_sapphire for tagging  (We should talk more wyd fam? Hmu so we can fangirl about Septiplier and all its realness). But anyways I don't many friends on Wattpad that actually read my shit so unfortunately I can't continue you the tag, but this was fun and I enjoyed doing it. ;)

MKAY That's it for now, Love ya guys to bits <3


Also,  how can you not love Warfstache?????

Also,  how can you not love Warfstache?????

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