Please :')

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"Jack," Mark's hand on his lower abdomen was a warning, he knew that. And the growl in Mark's voice was a warning as well, but the seriousness of his tone was too much. Jack wasn't in the mood for some "sensual" sex with his boyfriend. He wasn't in the mood for whatever Mark had planned.

"Mmm what?" He nipped his bottom lip and locked eyes with Mark, deep rich brown. He loved Mark's eyes. They we're so inviting and held so many emotions. He had no idea what his eyes alone could do to Jack.

"I said to be still," Mark spoke slowly, enunciating his words hotly. Jack grinned, straining against Mark's tight grip on both of his arms.

"But I don't wanna," Jack wriggled his fingers and stuck out his tongue. His boyfriend sighed, obviously tired of Jack's playful mood. But Jack didn't mind, he loved how ticked off Mark could get when denied obedience. Jack wasn't some dog, and he refused to be treated that way.

Mark bowed his head, allowing Jack to only see the red tips that would soon melt back into a chocolatey brown. There was always something that Jack truly loved about Mark's naturally dark locks. He loved his fun hair colors, especially the frothy pink it once was. But what he craved more of these days was the pure brownish black his boyfriend's hair naturally was.

Mark's broad shoulders hunched in almost-defeat, but it was too soon for Jack to call victory. Mark was stubborn and when he wanted something (especially Jack) it was a struggle to change his mind. He was steady headed and a persistent asshole, but boy did Jack love it. He loved every impatient, egotistical, idiotic thing about his boyfriend.

"Baby," Mark sighed and the hair on the back of Jack's neck stood, he loved that too. Every pet name that seemed to roll off of his boyfriend's tongue drove him wild. He loved the way Mark said them, so endearing and genuine. But he especially loved it when Mark used his real name. That really did it. Butterflies and fireworks and chaos ramming inside his chest like a big fucking party. "Please."

Jack grinned, lifting his hips ever so slightly and dangerously close to Mark's. They were both fully clothed and Jack intended on staying that way. Although, he wouldn't mind if Mark shed a few layers. He loved that blue tee on Mark, especially the way it hugged his muscles. But he also loved Mark shirtless. He loved that a lot.

"Hey, Marky," Jack called and Mark lifted his face, meeting his gaze. The intensity of his stare made Jack's cheeks burn but he refused to speak on it. "C'mere."

Mark bit back the smile that was obviously trying to make its way onto his lips as he moved up closer to Jack's face. His grip on Jack's arms loosened a little bit, but Jack didn't attempt on breaking free yet. He knew that he had to take this slow.

"What?" Mark's face was leveled with Jack's now but he was too far above him. He pouted his lips and without him having to say anything, Mark lowered his face. Jack's eyes fluttered closed as he felt Mark's warm breath fan his cheeks. Their noses brushed before Mark tilted his face and slowly pecked Jack's lips.

And his kisses.

There was something about the way Mark kissed Jack. Like he was the only human on this earth that mattered. Like his lips were water and Mark's had been parched for weeks. Like he was a fragile piece of art and didn't dare try and smudge the paint with a sloppy touch. Mark kissed Jack with so much love and care and intensity all bundled up in one. It made Jack curl his toes and smile beyond wide. He was drawn thin and melted through.

Mark drew his lips back but Jack kept his eyes shut, smiling like an idiot. He could hear Mark chuckling to himself, but he wasn't embarrassed of the way he acted. Jack knew how easily he could make Mark tremble, so he didn't feel bad. Mark's kisses were Jack's weakness but Mark had many of his own. Including what Jack had in mind next.

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