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luke is looking down at the black converse on his feet as he walked home from work. he has his phone up to his hear as he listens to it ring while desperately hoping that michael would answer his phone.

when it goes to voicemail, his grip becomes tighter around his phone and he so badly wants to throw it to the ground and scream, but he resist and instead shuts his phone off to ignore any temptation he has to call his friend once again.

the black haired boy has been on his mind all day, not leaving for a single second. it was driving him mad, he knew it wouldn't end until he at least spoke to the older boy.

luke was approaching his house, his mind spinning out of control. he was so lost in another head space he almost didn't notice that there was someone sitting on his front porch.

"fuck, mike. you scared me," luke's hand was on his chest as his heart pounded against it.

michael didn't say anything. he stayed silent as he played with the hem of his shirt with his nimble, rough fingers.

"why haven't you answered any of calls?" it's a bit harsh, the way luke says it. he was never a harsh person, but having the thought of michael being mad at him all day made him frustrated.

"i'm drunk," michael replies, "i think."

luke's head tilts back. michael was never making good decisions when he was drinking. luke never liked being around him when he had alcohol in his system, and michael knew that which is why he tried to stop drinking. he tried all for luke, and now here he was sitting on luke's porch drunk, which definitely was not the best decision on michael's part considering luke's mum was most likely sleeping and would be infuriated if she was woken up.

"i thought you were going to stop drinking," luke reminds, hit feet taking him a few steps closer towards his friend.

mike rolls his pretty green eyes, "i'm just having fun, lukas. don't be a buzzkill."

"you know i hate when you call me that," luke crosses his arms over his chest.

"i know, i know your name is luke not lukas," michael mocks, a drunken chuckle falling past his lips.

michael must have been out all day drinking. his words were sloppy and he could just barley hold himself up right, "how about we get you home, yeah? you need to go to sleep."

"it should have been me," michael completely disregards what luke said. his face is buried in his hands as he tugs at a few strands of hair between his fingers and the blonde cocks his head to the side.

"what are you talking about?"

"the accident," michael can feel a lump forming in his throat as his vision starts to become blurry. not from tears, but from his haziness caused by all the alcohol he consumed earlier, "i should have been in that car, not my parents."

luke's heart rips in half and a empty hole forms in the bottom of his stomach. he has heard michael say those words before when he was drinking. it's the whole reason why luke wanted for him to stop. he always brought up the accident, he always blamed himself for something he couldn't do anything to prevent from happening. michael never realized what he was saying while under the influence.


michael cuts luke off, "why does everything good in my life get destroyed? am i really that bad of a person that i can't have one good thing in my life?"

luke tried to ignore the small amount of pain he felt when those words were expressed. luke wanted to be the one good thing in michael's life, he always has been. he pushed aside that pain for now and focused back into how michael was feeling.

"you're not a bad person," and it was true. michael wasn't the least bit of a bad person. he has been through a lot in the past year.

michael swallows hard, trying to rid the lump in his throat. his voice is shaky, almost like he is about to cry, "then why do i feel like one?"

"you're going through a rough time, things will get better."

michael scoffs, "easy for you to say."

luke's eyebrows knit together. a crease forms right above his nose, "what's that suppose to mean?"

"you don't know what i went through. you don't know what it's like to lose someone you care about," his words are slightly slurred and sloppy.

"my dad left me when i was six," luke reminds. the blonde had a slight memory of his father. he always remembered how good of a dad he was. he left because of luke's mum. he left his son there with a mum who wasn't ready for a child. that's what made him infuriated with the man.

michael shakes his head, "it's not the same."

luke wasn't going to argue with him. no matter what luke said wouldn't matter, nor would it help his friend in any way. michael would forget all about it the next morning. he always did, "you should go home, mike. try and get some sleep."

it was the one thing michael agreed to. he stood up to his full height and staggered past luke, their shoulders brushing. neither of them shared another word, which was most likely for the best. when it came to michael, luke learned how to deal with him in every stage of emotions he had. when he was sad, angry, drunk, the younger boy was always there for him to deal with it.

for some unusual reason, he wouldn't want it any other way.

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i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, im excited for everyone to see the next few that will be posted ((((-:

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