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luke was woken from his slumber when he heard something unusual. his heavy eyes slowly opened as he sat up, his body instantly becoming cold as his blanket fell down his bare chest.

he lazily swung his legs over the edge of the bed and let his bare feet touch the carpeted floors. luke checked the time on his phone as it read 1:30 a.m. he folded his arms over his chest, trying to keep warm as he walked over to his window where he noticed the sound was coming from.

he opened his window and rolled his pretty blue eyes once seeing what the sound was coming from, "please tell me you have a good reason for waking me up."

michael was dressed in all black attire. all the way from the shoes on his feet to the jacket wrapped around his torso. the twenty year old was a very attractive lad. well, at least to luke he was. he couldn't speak for anyone else, but he had a feeling many other people found the boy attractive as well. there was something exceptional about michael that drew people in and made just about everyone want to know him. that is if they got the chance, of course. mike never let people into his life. he wasn't big on socializing or getting to know people. the only thing mike cared about in his life was his one and only friend, luke.

"come with me and find out for yourself," he says in a amusing way that makes luke wonder what he has going on.

"if my mum found out i left she would kill me. literally," luke says, his voice in a whisper yell tone to make sure to not wake up his mum since the only thing separating his and her room was a hollow wall.

"she's not going to find out, luke. ill have you back before you know it," he urges.

luke thinks of his mum's temper. he thinks of all the times she has laid a hand on him, and he wasn't sure if taking this risk was worth it, "it's not that easy."

the duo haven't seen, nor talked to each other in quite a few days. luke has gotten over it, but for awhile he was pissed about the night when michael was on his front porch intoxicated. he was sure the older boy didn't remember it, but luke certainly did. he despised dealing with mike when he was like that. he is a different person when he drinks.

"i promise if you come with me you won't regret it," michael continues to try and lure luke into going with him. he didn't exactly have anything planned, but he was feeling lonely and wanted to have the younger boys company.

luke opens his mouth to, once again, decline. michael had a substantial affect on the blonde. he always has. michael could convince luke into jumping off a cliff. he loathed that about the dark haired boy and he always would, but when you like someone so much it sort of just happens without you even noticing, and now here he was, about to agree to this foolish plan.

"fine, i'm intrigued."

luke backs away from the window and grabs a hoodie to throw over his bare chest. he changes his basketball shorts into a pair of black jeans and slips on a pair of junky looking vans. he takes a deep breath before he smoothly climbs out of window, almost like he has done this several times before when he has only done it about two other times before this. his hands and legs are shaky, but he keeps going anyways and slides roof and jumps from there since it wasn't far enough off the ground that he would get hurt.

"this is like, one of those romantic romeo and juliet moments," michael jokes, "or rapunzel, which ever once is more relatable right now."

luke cackles out loudly, but quickly puts his hand over his mouth remembering his mum was sleeping, "i hate you for making me do this."

"in my defense, you climbed out that window yourself, which was very impressive, if i must say," michael licks over his dry lips, "i didn't think you were actually going to do it."

"i guess i'm just an adrenaline junkie."

michael cracks a wide grin. he was unusually happy for being awake at two in the morning. he was just unusually happy in general, but luke certainly was not complaining.

"i don't think climbing twenty feet down from your window makes you an adrenaline junkie," mike starts walking without any notice. luke follows close behind.

"you haven't told me where we are going," luke reminds through his chattering teeth. it wasn't even that cold out, but he just woke up and the wind wasn't being gentle.

"we are going somewhere," michael gives very little information.

luke huffs, "i'm going to need you to be a little more specific."

"if i was any more specific then all the fun would be ruined don't you think?"

the blondes eyebrows furrow together, "your not some kind of axe murderer, are you? you're not going to tie me to a tree in the middle of the woods and leave me to die or anything like that, right?"

michael chuckles. he looks at the ground as he kicks at a few rocks and leaves in his path, "you overthink to much,"

luke doesn't respond and the air becomes filled with with an agonizing silence. the boy tilted his head back to see the moon illuminating the sky. he would be lying is he said walking outside at this time of night didn't make him feel a bit eerie. it was silent, much to silent for his liking. they were surrounded my houses on either side of them and unfortunately, they were on luke's side of the town which wasn't all that great.

luke takes a look over towards michael. his eyes are focused on the ground, or maybe his feet. either way, it looked like something was on his mind. mike was never good at opening up and talking about how he felt. he was good at hiding it, almost too good sometimes.

the younger boy worried about his friend. if michael ever knew that, he would make it a big deal and blow it way out of proportion. he didn't think anyone had to worry about him. he always claimed to be fine, but luke knew michael better than that. of course he was going to worry about the person that he loves and cares so much for. it was an instinct. michael was the kind of person who would always be there for other people when they needed, but never let anyone be there for him.

michael was complicated. that was the best way to put it.

+ + +

how is everyone doing?

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