Close Call

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"Breakfast is readyyyy!!!!" Someone yelled up the stairs. I groaned and turned over. Who was shouting? Usually Heather just woke me up by shaking me. There was stampeding footsteps on the stairs, a crash, and a lot of yelling. What the heck was going on? I pulled the covers over my head. I felt so sore... What kind of training exercises had I been doing yesterday?.....
A massive weight landed on time of me with a yell. "Aaaaaaaaghhhh!" I screamed and yanked the gun I always sleep with out from underneath my pillow. I yanked the covers off and clicked the safety. And found myself face to face with a very startled Louis. Suddenly I remembered the day before. "Shit."
Just then the rest of the boys came barreling into my room. "What happened?!" Harry asked. "We heard a scream and...." Liam trailed off as he looked at us. I'm sure we made quite a sight. Louis was sprawled over me with a pistol at his head, and I was still sitting in bed holding the gun, to surprised to do anything. The look on the boys faces was priceless.
"Vas' happenin'?!" (That was obviously Zayn.)
"What the f**k?!" (That was Niall.)
"Louis Tomlinson, what the hell is going on?!" (Liam, of course.)
Harry just looked like he was about to faint any minute now.
Blushing furiously, I put the revolver down.
"Well Asheley Grace was still asleep so I thought it'd be fun to wake her up, I didn't know she slept with a freakin pistol!" It was Louis turn to blush.
I glared at him. "Well maybe you shouldn't have attacked me at freakin 6 in the morning!! And," I imitated his voice, "How was I supposed to know freakin crash landing on people in the middle of the night and scaring them to death was your way of waking people up?!"
Apparently my little speech loosened up the tension, because everyone laughed. Everyone but Louis, who was making a fake hurt face, which made everyone laugh harder, including me.
"Well Lou," Niall laughed, "Geuss you finally learned your lesson not to play pranks on people who are half asleep!"
"Never!" Louis yelled as jumped off my bed and ran downstairs. I just shook my head.
"Is he always like that?"
Niall grinned at me. "Yup."
"So um," we all looked at Harry, "Why do you sleep with a gun when you're to young for a permit?"
"Oh that." I said. Make this convincing Asheley, or else you just blew your cover. I am so dead. Outloud I said, "It was my dad's. It's the one thing I have of his. At the group home they kept it in a cabinet for me when I was older, but when I ran away I took it with me because I thought I might need it. You know, being a young girl on the streets and all. As to why I sleep with it, well I don't really know. I geuss I feel safer and closer to my dad." To make it more convincing, I added a few tears that dripped down my nose. I am a professional liar after all. Luckily for me, Niall seemed to believe me. He sat down on the bed beside me and started rubbing circles on my back. Harry sat down to, and put his arm around me. I looked at the obvious sympathy in their faces and for a split second, I felt bad for lying to them. I sniffed loudly. Snap out of it, I told myself sternly. They're ruthless agents, no matter how nice they seem. And just like me, lies are their job. I looked at Zayn. His dark brown eyes looked at me suspiciously. Shit. It looked like someone didn't believe my story.
Liam cleared his throath awkwardly. "Um, breakfast is ready downstairs if you guys are hungry..." Niall was up and running down the stairs, everything else forgotten, before Liam even finished his sentence. I laughed and stood up. "I'm going to get dressed."
"You can borrow some of my sister's clothes," Louis offered. "I think Lottie's about your size."
"Thanks," I said and smiled.
Zayn's P.O.V
I watched as Asheley Grace left the room with Louis. She looked perfectly innocent. Yet something was off with that girl. I didn't buy her story. Sure, she acted pretty sincere, but come on. A fifteen year-old girl pointing a revolver at Louis like she meant business? How the hell would she even know how to hold one of those?! I shook myself. What was wrong with me? What would a teenage girl have to hide anyway? Harry popped his head in my room. "Are you coming, Zayn? Niall's going to eat everything if you don't hurry up."
"Yeah, I'm coming." I followed Harry down the stairs. I was definitely overreacting.
And yet, a tiny voice in the back of my head whispered, this is exactly why you became a spy. Maybe she knows about your little secret.
"That's not possible." I said aloud. "What's not possible?" Harry asked.
Oh gosh. I was talking to myself now? Maybe I was going crazy. After all, she's just a girl. What could she possibly do? Fangirl?
Niall's P.O.V
I sat at the table eating a giant stack of pancakes while the boys discussed what to do today. "We have to go to the studio and do a sound check for tonight's concert." Liam reminded us. I rolled my eyes. Always Daddy Directioner. (A/N This story is set during 1D's Four tour.) Just then, Asheley came downstairs. I dropped my fork. I couldn't help it. She was hot. This was the first time I had seen her clean and dressed up since we had rescued her. She wore a striped dress that showed off her curves and matching black sandals. Her blondish-brown hair hung in long curls over her shoulder. Her blue-gray eyes gazed into mine, and her pink lips curved into a smirk. "Done checking me out, Horan?"
I realized I had been staring at her with my mouth open. Shit! She's fifteen, five years younger than me, for pete's sake! I blushed and stammered. "I...uh.."
Luckily, Harry came to my rescue. "How could he not? You and Louis both look good in stripes." He winked at Asheley. She blushed.
"Are you hitting on me, Styles?" Louis teased. He pretended to swoon, and Harry chucked the box of cereal at him.
Asheley Grace laughed and sat down next to me.
"We're going to the studio to a soundcheck for tonight's concert, do you want to come with and see what we do?" I asked, trying to regain my composure.
"That's okay." Asheley smiled at me. "I'd rather just lay down for a while."
"Okay." I tried to sound cheerful. Why did I feel disappointed?
A/N: Oooh someone's got a crush.... So what do you guys think of Zayn's "little secret"? Will he find out Asheley Grace's secret? Or will she find out his first?

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